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  • obama is a spawn of satan

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    • Yep, reliable information always comes from anonymous sources who hide behind a comical avatar pseudonym. Although I must agree with the call for local civic and political involvement, it behooves us to very carefully vet those with whom we might get involved.

    • "O'Bozo and his husband Mike were put down like mad dogs by the military about 6 months ago."

      Starseed, why are you waving a steak under my nose like I am a hungry rottweiler metgerhund?

      I will not do you a disservice by dismissing you, BUT SHOW ME THE MONEY!

      Male Rottweiler | Leicester, Leicestershire | Pets4Homes

      I wouldn't wear black if it was true though.

      Obama ever quite did himself when alive.

  • Those "MEAN" TWEETS Weren't so BAD After All-!!! 75+million Patriots- just waiting

  • Life goes on

  • Well, he wasn't born in Hawaii. There are conspiracy theories that say he's really Osama Bin Landen. Revelation has him as the set up man, with one world order UN running our country. Obama, Bushes, Clinton's, Gates, Soros, Rothschilds, Elites all in league together. Cabal or Deep state.

  • Who is this guy Obama? We still don'tknow...

    • Hussein is a radical Muslim. 

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