Meme memes 58QRDzA09 by NotYouTubeForKids: 1 comment - )

Barack Obama's spokesperson refused on Tuesday to say whether the former president was searching his homes for classified documents, as The New York Times reported that prosecuting Donald Trump for mishandling files could be complicated by Joe Biden's own classified chaos.

With the saga of classified documents growing - Trump dragged his heels for 15 months and is now being investigated by a special counsel; Biden said he had 'no regrets', yet five searches have now yielded documents - on Tuesday it emerged that Mike Pence, the former vice president, had found classified documents at his own Indiana home.

Obama's communications director, Hannah Hankins, was asked on Tuesday by Fox News whether he too was searching his homes.

'We have nothing for you at this time,' she told the channel.

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  • I really dont understand what part of CLASSIFIED does Washington not understand, There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON why any President,Vice Presideent, Members of Congress or former Cabinet Members should have classified documents in their possession outside the confines of the Federal Government and there is no justification to have them once out of office.  I dont condon President TRUMP or excuse what he did or any other former president, These documents are classified for a reason and they should not be allowed in the hands of former elected officials I have seen and heard all the arguments being pushed on all the media outlets and personal comments from all the pundits, But the fact remains there is no justification for removing these documents for personal use or references for books they may write, My time in the military i handeled calsssified material every day and upon my discharge i was required to sigh a document that i  was not in possession of or would ever discuss the contents of any document that i had read seen or transmitted under penalty of prosecution this same rule should apply to all elected officials now and in the future, There are federal guidlines it just seems they are not being followed and this must STOP the guidelines must be enforced political parties aside.

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