Raconteur Report-October 24th is National Fake Ancestry Day-In Honor of  Sen. Clamasaurus - Thee RANT

Anthony Scaramucci, the short-lived White House communications director-turned-Trump-critic, hinted Friday at the possibility of an October surprise.

“Sometime by Mid-October you’ll see a deluge of ex-officials in the Trump Administration speaking out about his lack of fitness to be President of the United States,” Scaramucci said on The Issue Is:, California’s only statewide political program, presented by Los Angeles FOX affiliate KTTV. (Full disclosure: the author was on the panel discussion when Scaramucci made his prediction)

Host Elex Michaelson asked the panelists, who also included Seema Mehta of the Los Angeles Times, to react to the Atlantic story from the week before that claimed President Donald Trump had disparaged soldiers who died in World War One.

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  • So canned Trump administration ex-members will be publicly, critically hostile to the Trump Campaign? Why how unpredictably surprising.

  • Yawn...........I mean YAWN.............WOLF,WOLF!!!

  • Of course, the people that have been canned would say he is "unfit".  Why would anyone take the word of a disgruntled employee???

  • I don't care what party you belong to but if you love America then it's time to stand with President Trump this man is fighting for America way of life he is fighting for the people who are just citizens of the country not Hollywood not rich and famous people but for you and me 

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