
  • THE GOP in Oklahoma needs to inform the Sec. of State that Sen. Lankford is no longer part of the GOP and is not permitted access to the GOP ballot... he can run as an independent or  Democrat.  This sort of action needs to be occurring all over. 

    Sen McConnell needs to be sanctioned by the  Ky. GOP and removed from the party... the Ky legislature needs to pass a resolution denying him State Citizenship... for failing to meet the state's residency requirements... other state GOP leadership needs to do the same to remove the RINOs... Get rid of them ... They are not helping.  We need to know the TRUE COUNT of conservative legislatures in Congress and state government.

    Play hardball... Review every candidate's legal qualifications for office... addresses out of the district, out of state, failure to spend the number of days in the state to qualify as one's primary resident... citizenship, both US and State.  All these items have been overlooked for decades... we have many unqualified resps holding office... get rid of them. 

    • P/S

      This resolution needs to be sent to Sen. McConnell... requesting Lankford be censured and removed from all committees... if not, he will be furher sanctioned as noted in my' ost... kept off the Oklahoma Ballot as a Republican candidate... he can run as an independent or Democrat...  I don't expect McConnell to act on the request... but it still needs to be made.

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