
  • Col, you are correct this IS NOT ILLEGALS CROSSING OUR BORDER THIS IS AN INVASION an illegal act that is being completely ignored by border state Governors and our Federal Government.. Democrats are not condeming it because they have created it, Republicans are truly afraid to take on the issue but are very good at talking points, There is in my opinion grounds for IMPEACHMENT oF JOE BIDEN  AND HIS border chief, bUT IT WOULD TAKE COURAGE TO STAND UP AND DEFEND OUR NATION AND  OUR Constitution. 

  • This is an invasion... an act of war.  Under Article 1, section 10, clause 3, and Article 4, Section 4, clause 1 of the US Constitdution the States have a Constitutional DUTY and right to defend against such invasion, placing their State National Guard on full mobilization until the Federal Government PROPERLY relieves the states with Federal Forces.

    The States and their respective Governors (Red and Blue) ARE NOT enforcing the Constitution... or defending our borders.   They are engaged in the rhetoric of BETRAYAL ... while the nation is under attack. This includes such stalworth states of Constitutional liberty as Texas... We no longer have a nation and the only way we are getting it back is to organize tens of millions to stay at home on strike and boycott every organization and politician that supports this invasion...  Doing nothing will not bring about reforms... The wealthy in this country will soon regret what they have financed and permitted.

    The American Patriot has no effective leadership or organization... none... including Trump's MAGA nothing anyone is doing does anything to stop the invasion and complete overthrow of our Constitutional government.  Those who believe otherwise are ignoring the facts on the ground... they are indulging in delusional fantasy and the rhetoric of betrayal.

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