One more time for the record... THE PROBLEM IS NOT A LACK OF SOLUTIONS. The problem is a lack of effective leadership. The patriot's reform movement doesn't have the leadership willing to muster and resource the actions needed to bring the current government to heal.
Our current leaders are aware of what must be done… they simply refuse to go there. The current cabal of conservative leaders are devious malefactors, whose only purpose is to sustain their power and influence over the government and economy. They have demonstrated no real desire to drain the swamp, as they feed off the swamp. They know what must be done but refuse to organize and resource the actions needed to return Constitutional Government to the Republic. They are part of the problem, not the solution.
Effectively the Patriot movement currently lacks leaders… with the commitment to resource, organize, and coordinate the political action needed to produce real and lasting government reform. Our current leadership, in government and civil society, is lost in a quagmire of corruption. They no longer display the will to properly govern or serve the interests of our Constitution and its Republic.
Until our movement has fully committed leadership it will flounder… We need leaders that are willing and capable of executing the Constitutional solutions to our nation’s problems. Our cause continues to be FRUSTRATED by half measures and failure. We suffer from a clear lack of effective and committed leadership. Our movement lacks the leaders, organization, resources, and force of will necessary to take on and drain the swamp. Excuses and unfulfilled promises must be replaced with effective action from dedicated leadership. We need a leader with a ‘Bull in the China Closet’ attitude, to helm our ship of state, or we will most certainly run aground and flounder in the breakers of a Marxist tide.
I agree with you and although I love Trump, I am not sure he is strong enough to order the arrest and conviction of the traitors on both sides of the aisle.
Let the record reflect the dubious narrative and half-measures our current Patriot Leadership is using and intends to use to effect government reforms... most, of it, is the failed programs of the past ... repackaged in the Patent Medicine drummers of our grandfathers promising miracle cures for everything from political corruption to treason. However, none of these hucksters address the reality in Congress, the Federal Courts, or the effects of our corrupt electoral system on the possibility of reform... Instead, they promise the elixirs of their latest patent medicine, to be taken with the NEXT ELECTION and good night's sleep... then, everything will be all right ... and only cost us 50 cents a bottle.
The Red Wave is about to meet a Blue Wall... of corruption and gridlock on the floor of Congress... There simply are not enough democrat seats open for election in the US Senate to make the Senate Veto Proof and the GOP needs to pick up 75 new seats in the House to have a Veto Proof house... neither is possible... given the historic record in the House and the physical limitations on the seats available in the US Senate. However, you won't hear that drum beat often, and when one does there is little discussion about the other Constitutional options that remain to effect reform... as they are difficult, resource-heavy (expensive) to manage, and require great statesmanship to make them work... but work they can... if used. What is to be expected... when the Public appears concerned more with their comfort and immediate necessity, than the long-term continuance of our Children's prosperity and heritage as the leaders of the free world... The public gets what they demand and not much is beng effectively demanded... where are the people in the streets?
No less than the destruction of the American Dream is on the chopping block this November election cycle... and it appears the ax has been given to the executioner and it is only time before our children lose their seat at the table of world power. We need action not now, not the empty and tired rhetoric of the past. America needs reform and that may take more than a 60-second spot on the local television network.
Colonel, I understand, and get the general idea and gist of your meaning. I was asking for a "Specific Name" none a comparable generalization. I most certainly believe none of us to be either slow nor dull witted. However, after such a long extended period of the same, "We Need A Leader!", I just thought perhaps you may have a Qualified Name in mind. If so, please present Him or Her so that we can gather and this Ready Parade can begin marching towards a Victory!
Lynn Bryant DeSpain
Donald Trump comes to mind although he must become much more aggressive in his administration of justice and the use of the President's constitutional powers under Article II, Section 3 of the U.S Constitution, that the laws are carried out faithfully. The President is the only Constitutional Officer with the specific Constitutional duty to execute the laws.
The President can direct investigations, issue Presidential warrants for arrests, refer cases for indictment, etc. He is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the land, regardless of the attempts by Congress and the Courts to strip him of his constitutional authority to, DIRECTLY AND PERSONALLY, enforce the laws of the United States when HE SO CHOOSES. In fact, Lincoln issued thousands of presidential arrest warrants, including one arresting a Supreme Court Justice for sedition.
It is time that Trump, or our next President, studies Lincoln's use of his Presidential powers to investigate, arrest, and detain criminals, including government agents... The broad powers of the President to faithfully execute the laws of the nation give the President police powers over members of Congress, the Courts, and MSM, etc. He doesn't need to consult the DOJ, US Attorneys, or the FBI when enforcing the law. He can exercise his police powers unilaterally, and there is plenty of historical precedent for such action. JUST DO IT MR. President, and when your Constitutional authority is resisted, arrest those interfering for obstruction of justice and interference with a law enforcement officer... The Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States is the President.
Again, just do it and refer the complaints to Article 2, Section 3 "...he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States." Congress has no authority at all to interfere with this power. The Courts may act to correct or restrain specific abuses of this power but it must be case by case. Congress has asserted it has the authority to limit the President's use of these powers but there is NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY for such usurpation of the Executives authority by Congress. Pettifoggers and activist Judiciary of course will lie and tell us otherwise. However, the clear and plain language of the Constitution is precise enough not to need the SCOTUS to redefine what is in clear English.
Thank you for all the information. I have followed you for years and I thank you for your service and your incredible knowledge of our Constitution.
We need a leader that is strong enough to use his police powers to drain the swamp... arresting members of the Congress, Courts, FBI, etc who heretofore believed they were untouchable. Our forefathers saw a need to give the president such police powers to rid the government of corrupt officials... they envisioned massive corruption perverting the functions of government to the point that the President may need the power to sweep it clean.
The best weapon against government corruption is the US Constitution... the President would be well advised to memorize it and the specific clauses that are the source of his powers... and when some pettifogger attempts to redefine the Constitution... act to remove them from the Bar and that goes for judges also.
Please be exactly specific as to "What Leader in What Role do you suggest."
Lynn Bryant DeSpain
Read the last 10yrs of posts under my name to get a good idea of what I am talking about...
When John Hancock placed his signature upon the Declaration of Independence, he was joined by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and 52 other citizens of the colonies who were willing to sacrifice everything for their cause:
My view on the fact that there truly is an absence of good and honest leadership is that at the root of the absence is fear of the media. One could argue that the media is not the tap root, and that may be true, but it is a significant one that serves to prevent real leadership from coming forth.
Political popularity depends on a flow of money from the big corporations run by the wealthy and well connected Boards of Directors and CEO's. Well connected, as we all know, is not at all limited to the shores of America, but it extends worldwide. As such then our so-called elected leaders are influenced by others as well as domestically.
President Trump was, and is, a maverick that came out of the group and upset the applecart of those truly calling the shots so to speak. His departure from the club is why he was considered so dangerous to the power brokers, and that is why it was determined to get rid of him at all cost. He no longer played by the rules, and appealed to the public to make America great again by restoring our independence and our sovereignity.
Real leadership is not allowed by those who control our Nation. Look at the condition of our Military right now as compared to when Trump was Commander-In-Chief.
Mike Pence could have stood up. He wilted. Sessions could have stood up. He sat down. And the list goes on and on and on. Those who should be jailed continue to walk free, and their thoughts are eagerly presented in the media.
There is little rejoicing going on with such people "Leading" the country.
We will not survive long by denying God, and being led by those who don't.