
  • Thank you Glenn, interesting that this "charity" is run like so many others. The doners can rest easy knowing that if their money isn't used locally it will go to other America haters worldwide.

  • I listened to this! Extremely worth listening to. So glad Glenn Beck researched this! 
    obviously people don't realize their donations are being sent out to support Marxist ideologies throughout the world. 
    if the rioters knew about this,maybe they would be disgusted and go home - if they even have homes to go to!

  • This surprises no one.

    • that is the fact

  • one question for me why is it when a black person killed by a black person why don't you do something about it?

    • That is the question they do not answer, nor why all the black aborted babies do not matter, or the black on black crime, which does not matter. And why each demo Mayor didn't do something with their own police forces to retrain if necessary, if there really is too much crime by police on blacks, which i doubt. They have had control and let the blister fester and get infected so they can have their anarchy.

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