Open Letter to Kerry Kennedy




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  • Robert, 

    One Kennedy with a moral compass and his family is looking for a tree. 

    • ROBERT has left a truly family of degenerates behind. Hopefully knowing their thoughts he is not too saddened by their stance.

  • Leave it to Tammy to tell it like it is. I have more respect for Robert Kennedy than any other of that clan who probably never had to work a day in their lives.

  •  In spite of all their education and privilege, it appears the majority of the Kennedy clan is blind to the threat poised by communism; they probably think it will not affect them!  I would be more than happy to educate them to the facts.  If the USA were to succumb to a communist takeover, the Kennedys would be among the first to be eliminated- - as proof, I would offer them the history of the family of Czar Nicholas, of Russia, back in 1915.  And following the end of that family, the Bolshevics then went on to eliminate ALL families of wealth and privilege, most educators, scientists, or anyone who did not fall in line and promote the evil ideology.

    • IF You would JUNE, cite some historical accounts in texts or other literature, supporting the Marxists and Bolsheviks destructive acions.  We also though have to be aware of the abuses of long entrenched nobility and how they "lord over the proletariat and agrarian peasants. Our forefathers fled England for a Good Reason. Seems like Human Traits are at play here And POWER--ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS BOTH SIDES ABSOLUTELY. The JUDEO-CHRISTIAN CLERICS are being called to this battle Against EVIL.

    • Notably, our ancestors "fled England" - - they did not attempt to kill the king and take over the government!

    • Richard, I will try to do forward some of those historical accounts; my Encyclopedia Americana, printed just prior to 1952 carries more accurat information then later "versions", that have been altered to "fit the agenda" of those who prefer to obscure accurat history.

          The Romanof Family was not "evil", they were just "not in touch" with the plight of their people and so tje general populace was not happy with them.  This gave the Bolshevic movement all the support they needed to "take over" and expel the "ruling class", with the support and approval of the General population.  Unfortunately, the populace had no knowledge of the plan to "remove" the Romanof Family by murdering every last one, even the youngest children, in the most cold-blooded and heartless way.


  • There must be something in the air up there in HIGH ANNIS PORT.  ROBERT appears to be the only sane one remaining in that clan,.

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