Oren's Thoughts

Source; Oren Long;

Often, it is not as important what is in the news as what is NOT in the news.  
Consider this:  Farmers in Holland, a major food exporter to Europe and the world, are bringing the country to a standstill.  Holland's government has gone "woke" and imposed drastic demands on farmers, including carbon sequestration, nitrogen sequestration, and other requirements that farmers are literally unable to meet without going broke.    
Holland's farmers are fighting back.  They started by hauling huge rocks to Holland's border highways and blocking all ingress and egress to/from Holland, stopping all trade and transport.  Now, they are hauling huge piles of manure to government offices and dumping them in front of doors and access points.  Additionally, they are filling manure spreaders with manure, pulling them to government officials' homes and spraying said homes with manure.  In short, Holland's farmers are making government officials' lives unbearable (we could use a little of that here).  Store shelves are empty.  Things in Holland are getting bad!    
This is shutting down Holland's agriculture and food exports.  Combine that with the Russia-Ukraine war and we will soon have a MAJOR food supply issue.  
Yet, the media says NOTHING!  There is a total media blackout!  
We may -- sooner than we think -- be looking at a global food crisis.  If it happens, things will get ugly -- and FAST!  
The 1796 French Revolution was a direct result of food shortages.  Europe was in the midst of what geologists call the "mini-ice age".  European crops failed, year after year.  People were hungry and rebelled (as though the King could fix it).  Anyone with food was thought to be "rich" and had their heads lopped off.  
I cannot predict the future.  All I can do is look at the past.  As Harry Truman said, "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know".        
Now, gas and energy:  Gasoline prices in some areas remains over $5.00 per gallon, even though it has come down about 50 cents.  The liberal media trumpets this very modest reduction as "gas prices plummet".  Yeah, right!  I know I'm impressed!  When Trump left office, gas was $2.10 per gallon.  Two years later, Biden has it up to over $4.70 per gallon.  Hooray?!  
When asked about it, Sleepy Joe said we should all just buy an electric vehicle.  Really?!  I don't know about you, but I don't have over $50,000 hidden under my mattress.  Besides, don't these environmental wackos understand, 1) the electricity powering their EVs comes from fossil fuels; 2) The tires on their vehicles are made out of oil; all the plastic making their vehicles energy efficient is made out of oil; even the metal is made in factories powered by fossil fuels?!  
Answer:  No!  They have no clue!  
I suspect that Biden and his advisors actually WANT to destroy fossil fuels in the false belief they can FORCE everyone to go all electric.  
In "Rules for Radicals", Saul Alinsky said that before a new society is built, the old society must be completely destroyed.  I believe that is the Democrat Party's goal, well, except for themselves, of course.  "Not them!"  They're "enlightened".  They deserve their mansions and limos; just not we dirty little people, the great unwashed.     
Ford just came out with an all-electric F-150 pickup truck.  I forget who, but someone tested it while pulling a camper.  It only got 85 lousy miles!  I don't know about you, but I think I'll keep my F-250, 460 V8.  
Additionally, NONE of these radicals realize just how dependent the world is on oil, gas, and coal.  They really believe we should all be "natural", whatever that means.  
As I told one lunatic lib, "Look at your shoes and clothes.  They are all made either from fossil fuels or in factories using fossil fuels!  In your world, we should all walk around naked in the forest, eating nuts and berries.  Hell, you cannot morally even go home and use heat, air conditioning, or lights -- ALL from fossil fuels!  If you do, you would be a hypocrite, and I'm sure you are not a hypocrite, RIGHT?  Do you REALLY think we can just use wind or solar generators, themselves built in factories using fossil fuels?!"
He had no answer.  He had never thought it through.  We was the quintessential definition of what Lennin and Stalin called a "Useful Idiot".  He only knew what he was told to know and believed what he was told to believe.  
Just my thoughts,

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