SecNav Del Toro stated:
“The United States and the world need the mature leadership of President Biden. I did not support the President of the United States to become president, Commander-in-Chief, because I wanted a job. I supported him personally, because he is an individual of highest character, with the intelligence and the experience and the perseverance, to do the job, that not just the U.S. demands, but that the entire world, quite frankly, embraces. He is the protector of democracy around the globe. We cannot afford to have a president who aligns himself with autocratic dictators and rulers whose interpretation of democratic principles is suspicious [at] best. And who, quite frankly, confuses presidential candidates with our former speaker of the house, for that matter. And so I'm confident that the American people will step up to the plate come November and support President Biden for a second term as our Commander-in- Chief, so that we can continue to work together as free democratic countries respect each other around the globe.”

No wonder we just had to have the Political Activity training this past month across the
when they knew this report was going to be released soon.

We desperately need accountability for our leadership in the military.

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  • Idiot. Supporting someone who has removed our borders. Who is destroying private property. Cities. Government. Schools. Idiot.


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