Our Campus Jihad: “Well funded and impressively organized”
Abe Greenwald: In the first decade of the 21st century, the United States was attacked by jihadists who drew the country into a yearslong, multifront war. At the start of the third decade, we were attacked in a far different fashion, from within. Left-wing radicals embarked on a violent campaign to upend the cultural and political order of the nation. Both attacks changed us in significant ways, but neither one broke us. In 2023, seizing on Hamas’s October 7 massacre of Israelis, the jihadists and the left-wing radicals explicitly joined forces. They first launched a street campaign against Israel and in support of jihadist terror. Then they occupied university campuses, where they began harassing Jewish students, continued calling for death to Israel and America, and amplified their praise for jihad. All, naturally, in the name of peace. We don’t know what this hybrid enemy of the West will do next. But we know that it won’t stop soon, as it is well funded and impressively organized. Moreover, its two halves enjoy a valuable symbiotic relationship. They need each other (Commentary).

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  • This is one of the most important pieces of information that should be seen by all Americans to comprehend the dangers within. 
    Remember the left is colluding with Islam because their ideology and goal is mostly similar........Hitler did the same. While he wanted German purity and the Muslims did not fit that, they equally hated the Jews! The enemy of my enemy is my friend! They both want chaos, they want to destabilize the USA and building an army within. BLM, ANTIFA, and now this! "But we know that it won’t stop soon, as it is well funded and impressively organized"!
    Who are the founders and organizers......who wants America destroyed, who are the ones moving an entire foreign army into our country, who are the countries colluding, who are the adversaries among themselves who are a mighty force together against one? 

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