
  • The Founders did not ever want the people to have the power directly given to them as a democracy. The power was filtered through a political protection process designed to prevent 'mob rule'. They knew democracies never worked, or lasted long, because they ultimately ended up destroying themselves. The President is 'elected' by Electorates, appointed by State Legislators every four years for that purpose only. We all know this.

    The direct power that we have is supposedly through our local and State bodies, as well as the lower house of Congress, and by Constitutional Amendment the upper house as well.

    The problem  with all of this stems from the fact that just as 'Mob Rule' doesn't work, likewise the individuals who make up a Mob will not work either.

    Consider this. Tolerance of others is thought to be a value in character. And in some matters, perhaps even most, it is. But NOT in government.  For example the "Squad" was elected to 'serve' in Congress. But who are they serving? Answer, NOT the United States Constitution. NOT American values. NOT the RULE OF LAW expressed in the Constitution. Americans  should be tolerant of others only if, IF, they share allegiance to, and support OUR form of government, and not some foreign alien design such as Sharia Law.  We cannot let people such as this, aliens to America, to freely waltz in through unprotected borders, take up residence, and then VOTE people like the Squad into government power.

    One of the Founders stated, and I think it was John Adams, that our form of government would only work for a moral and religious people, and none other.  By that he meant a CHRISTAIN people. Under GOD.  And the first Bill of Right was that the government could NOT establish a government controlled religion. Not in America.

    Islam does just that. Islam is both a religion AND a form of government.  This fact cannot be tolerated and absorbed into our own government.  That is the point.

    We have allowed individuals, MOB members, access to and seats in our own goverment, including the Presidency, Congress, and our Judicial branch. These people are liars,  These people are Not true Americans, and certainly not true Christians by any stretch of imagination.

    If America will not restrain these people, and then prevent others through tolerance taking their places, then America will die and be replaced by aliens.  It won't take long if this crap is ignored. Ignored means tolerated. Ignored means ignorance.  Ignored means stupid.

    Stalin, Hitler, and Pol Pot were not ignored away. They were confronted by threat, and by force when necessary. Tolerance was not an option.

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