Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us

Bertram on Twitter: "Voter Fraud is real. It's how democrats cheat to win.…  "

For four years, we watched with glowing expectation as our president actually fulfilled campaign promises. We watched as he stood up to Communist China, as he stripped away job-killing regulations, and as he faced down the global elites in the media and politics.

He spoke for us, not at us; and we were enthralled. We thought it could never end.

We watched Donald Trump’s popularity grow by leaps and bounds, while his opponent emerged from his basement to pathetic little gatherings of a few hundred people honking car horns.

Then came Trump’s massive election night victory, erased in the early morning hours and days to come by a flood of votes that seemed to have come out of nowhere.

I’ll wager that 75 million of us have followed pretty closely the drama of the past two months, so there’s no need to recount the claims and counterclaims of election fraud.

The Democrats can say what they want, and pound it into us with the sledgehammers of the national media and Big Tech: they still have failed to convince us that we are wrong.

It’s like that famous scene in the first Star Wars movie when Obiwan Kenobi waves his hand before the eyes of the Empire soldiers. The Democrats keep telling us, those are not the votes we are looking for. But unlike the Empire soldiers, we are not duped.

What we have seen over the past two months goes way beyond dismay or disbelief. What we have witnessed is the utter collapse of the foundational institutions of our republic.

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  • Welcome to the CCP. Where dissenters are punished and the people can't speak they're voice. You will be cancelled, humiliated and told what to think. If you disagree, they will take your bank from you. Take your friends and family from you and take every freedom you have. OBEY!


  • Swamp politics would be high entertainment if it wasn’t real. This series would have been number one in ratings ever since Pelosi got in the act

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