To defend something one must first know what that something is...  Our Elected Officials have a very limited understanding of the US Constitution and many of them see it only as an obstacle to be overcome... outdated and obsolescent.  Few are interested in defending it, even fewer understand the oath they took to defend it.

However, the principals and precepts contained in our Constitution are timeless maxims... for the establishment of sound government and social justice.  Our Constitution was inspired by more than the will of men. It is the fruit of our Christian Fathers, whose very being lived and breathed the essence of God's Word. Those godly men knew what laws and ethics ... what checks and balances ... were needed to restrain the excesses of man. They understood what was needed to create sound and lasting Godly government. Our Constitution is no ordinary document it is the inspired word of God handed down to our forefathers for the purpose of creating one nation under God... with liberty and justice for all. 

America is more than the sum of mankind's best... it is God's gift to a faithful people, and the promise of hope to an oppressed world.   It established a new world order, in a new world... based on the promise that all men were created equal in the eyes of their creator.  However, the current generation has forgotten the source of our liberty, and blinded to the God of their forefathers... this generation has rejected God and with Him the precepts that guarantee liberty. 

To defend our constitution one must first believe in its source and its tenants... “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”  It, therefore, takes a moral and religious people to defend it.  Wonder no longer as to the reason our elected officials fail to comprehend their oath of office or embody the will to defend it against all enemies... foreign and DOMESTIC.

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