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  • Yep, and amazingly enough, this is also how a Convention of States would work to bypass the Congress and institute the reforms that the power hungry establishment politicians will never do on their own. All we need is 19 more states added to the 15 already signed on to call a convention to amend the Constitution to stop borrowing and spending money we don't have, impose term limits on dinosaurs like Pelosi and Schumer, and put some restraints on judicial activists, like John Roberts and Sotomayor.

  • I agree 100% .

  • Absolutely... send a message to the Courts and their Corrupt Judges to get ready... with 24 States having their legislatures and Governors in the full control of the GOP .... the Republican Party needs to return the selection of State Electors to the State Legislatures... We also need to repeal the 17th Amendment, returning to the original method for selecting US Senators, allow each State to determine how their US Senators and Representatives are elected.  Return power over the Federal Government firmly into the hands of the several States.

    • Same old tune, still true. What about the troupe of Penn. Supreme Court baboons saying the illegality of voting results does not matter, if the state has decided an outcome with them? So no stay of certification.

      PA Supreme Court Tosses Challenge To Vote-by-Mail (


      PA Supreme Court Tosses Challenge To Vote-by-Mail, Vacates Halt To Certification
      A Pennsylvania lawsuit challenging the state's vote by mail law has been thrown out, but one plaintiff said the fight is not over yet.
  • Let the state legislature name the electors. Give them all to Trump.

    • The State Legislators need to Impeach every Justice on their Supreme Court.... 

    • totally agree

  • Will the Courts follow the State and Federal constitutions? If they don’t then the Legislature must elect a new slate of electors so the people are represented by the elected individual legislators?

    • I am dismayed to read 11/29/20 that the Pennsylvania Supreme court has said regardless and in spite of the singularly significant-factored , no-excuse mass mail-in voting ballots, being introduced into the Presidential election state unconstitutionally, they will overturn the stay of certification because the effect is too large.

      The translation: the illegality of voting results do not matter, if the state has decided an outcome with them.

    • Rudy reported that 1.5 million mail-in ballots were mailed out in PA and that over 2 Million were returned... how does that work? Over voting in many locations exceed 500% Of registered voters and the Supreme Court of PA thinks voter fraud was not present or insignificant, requiring them to permit the election results to stand as certified.  I say where are the peasants with their Pitchforks ... and why hasn't Justice been rendered upon the Court?  

      If the State Legislature doesn't meet starting today it is over... PA will remain in the Biden Column as the US Supreme Court is going to allow the States to decide the issues involving elections claiming they have no jurisdiction... not even under the civil rights act or the several voting rights acts guaranteeing the one man, one vote principle that once kept the Ballots Boxes of America firmly in the hands of the People.  The Nation as a whole must rise if this travesty is not corrected... no one in government should feel secure while this COUP continues.

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