Political memes/cartoons/jokes here *language warning* - Page 2019 -  Castanet

Pennsylvania Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman was winning the outstanding in-person and absentee votes in Philadelphia and in a suburban county.

That meant essentially that most of Dr. Mehmet Oz’s votes had been counted and allowed the Associated Press to call the race early Wednesday for Fetterman.

At times early in the cycle, it seemed Fetterman would run away with the election after handily defeating his primary opponents, but Oz tightened the race, attacking Fetterman as soft on crime and relentlessly questioning whether his Democratic counterpart was fit to serve after he suffered a stroke in May.

Fetterman’s May stroke and his recovery figured in the final weeks of the race. The stroke’s effects were clear as he used closed captioning to help him process the words he heard, leading to some awkward pauses in their first and only debate. It’s unclear what effect the performance had on the race, if any.

It seems that the people of Pennsylvania don’t mind having a brain-dead representative in the U.S. Senate!

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  • Pennsylvania gets what they deserve (stupid fools), unfortunately we all have to live with their decision!

    This is bittersweet, Oz never should have been the candidate, Trump made a huge mistake endorsing a Muslim.

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