statistics covid error

Just how inaccurate are the coronavirus death totals around the country? If past reports (see The Real Cause of a ‘Coronavirus Death’ In Florida Will Have You Questioning Everything) and the latest data out of Palm Beach County are any indication, the answer is that the numbers are nowhere close.

The local CBS affiliate did an investigative piece on deaths being reported in the Florida county. What they found were multiple falsely reported deaths for COVID that turned out to be nothing of the sort. We aren’t talking about people who had cancer and were classified as a coronavirus death because they also were infected, which would be back enough on its own.

No, we are talking about stuff like this via 12 News.

A 90-year-old man who fell and died from complications of a hip fracture.

A 77-year-old woman who died of Parkinson’s disease.

These are some of the deaths in Palm Beach County recently, and incorrectly, attributed to COVID-19 in medical examiner records.

The CBS12 News I-Team uncovered several examples in Medical Examiner reports of people counted as a COVID death who did not die of COVID.

It gets worse though. In total, they found eight people listed who not only didn’t die of COVID, but who didn’t even have COVID listed as a contributing factor. And to be sure, “contributing factor” is already being used incredibly liberally by these medical examiners.

In total, of the 589 people on the spreadsheet they received from the medical examiner, only 169 actually died singularly of COVID. All the rest had preexisting conditions, some of which would have killed those people regardless.

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  • Blame The DemocRats! 

  • If we the people cannot get honest reporting on this matter then we are powerless to know what to do about policies. Which is exactly where the Democrats want us

    • bingo! spot on my friend

    • Our standards for acceptance of mediocre and fallacious reporting by government employees must end... we should fire any employee who falsifies reports... government or private party.

  • If the numbers aren't in your favor... keep counting until they are... Joseph Stalin.

  • The Democrats are hell-bent on destroying America's economy and punishing the citizens of this nation for being Americans... they know that this pandemic has created chaos among small businesses and many will never reopen... those on Pandemic relief unemployment will soon run out and then what... their jobs will not be there and even if they are it is doubtful many will be needed as the economy has slowed to a crawl and economic activity with it... look for major problems when the unemployed wake up to what the Democrats have done to them financially.  Who will many of them take out their frustrations and anger on?

    • Spot on Ronald.

  • "Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste" said you know who

    • isn't that the truth

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