
  • Good for them

  • It's all about big govt and federal control of the masses. They have no constitutional right in any state to force a lockdown for I believe, more that 30-60 days and cannot force any one to wear a mask. I'm in georgia in Republican controlled Columbia county and very few of us wear masks anymore. Most stores, except for Kroger & Walmart, don't require masks, it optional. All their employees do, which is sad that these companies don't stand up to the demonic govt officials. Even when we go in a democratic controlled county -Richmond county, they mandate masks, but the people from my county refuse to wear them. If they make you wear them going in to the store, simply pull them down so you can breathe and they say nothing. Mask & lockdowns don't work. Some of the governors are regretting that they shut down, cause it made no difference. Look at a strong woman governor with a backbone, Christy Noem. She refused to bow down to the demonic government officials. South Dakota did fine through the pandemic. 

  • I very rarely wear one. Unfortunately you cannot get into a store without one. I have my list and get out within 30-40 min. No more browsing. I have noticed that many of the stores have moved their stock around so you have to hunt more. These idiot stores do not realize that if they were to fight the wearing of the masks they would not be losing money. 

    • Pull it down so you can breathe after you get in there and they will say nothing. You're still wearing the mask, right?

  • We need a national movement like this!!


  • The mask only shows fear and the Democratic want you to fear and let them control your life, if they want you to wear a mask then let us use red masks masks with Trump names 

    • Right! Amen! They can wear Black Lives Matter & it's ok, even in schools, but let one of your children wear a MAGA mask and they make them take it off. People need to wake up. BLM & Antifa have not helped one single black family. Name one family they helped out with food, clothing, housing, etc. They are communist based organizations trained and want to take down our govt and instill a communist one. The leader of the BLM has purchased land and multi-million dollar homes and not for anyone that really need the housing. It's about greed, corruption and stealing, looting, burning down cities and small businesses (for all races). Nothing in life is free. They want everything for free & given to them, then welcome to communism. Everything is free. Move to Cuba or Venezuela for just 6 months and see how great they have it there.

  • it's about time the parents stand for something.

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