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  • Maybe Jim is right. We'll have plenty of time and opportunity to hold those responsible for the 2020 election fraud to account, after Trump is back in office. Rather than launching into that during the last months of the campaign, we need to take steps to INSURE that the steal is not repeated in November! Now, that may include exposing some of this evidence that Jim was given, in order to convince those Americans who think Biden actually won in 2020 that the fraud was real. But the focus now must be on preventing fraud in November. If they get away with it again, we're $crewed. If we get Trump back into office, those who broke the law in the process of stealing the 2020 election will be made to face justice. That's why they're so desperate for him not to win! A lot of powerful people in Washington know they'll lose everything if Trump is president again. That's why they attempted to assassinate him. This is high stakes for many terrified politicians. We must keep Trump safe and take steps to prevent further fraud. Keep the eyes on November. Trump will prevail.

  • I suspected as much. There are solid reasons that this country is in the shape its in.

  • Well, it appears Mr. Jordan AND Speaker Johnson did NOT want a little thing like ELECTION FRAUD spoil their August vacation!!

  • Yep, and the classification authority of our federal government has been abused and turned against the US citizen electorate so that the deep state can exercise more "control" over We the People. Fortunately, the tyranny of big government still doesn't work very well in our constitutional republic, and in the prophetic words of Ben Franklin; " A republic, . . . . if we can keep it."

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