I was there for the full 4.5 hour meeting. Claims military coup/martial law were discussed is 100% fabrication. Trump is lied to by his own advisers, who tell staff “get the president to concede“ while they stall Trump. Meadows + Lawyers Eric, Derek, GC Pat Cippollone (leaker). https://t.co/7nrUqpsxEa
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) December 20, 2020
He wants to fight on. They are bending over backwards to come up with reasons to tell him he can’t do anything. He needs to fire them all or he loses.
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) December 20, 2020
It is 100% winnable. No martial law required. Sydney and Flynn presented a course that I estimate has 50% – 75% chance of victory. His staff just try to convince him to do nothing but accept it. As a CEO, my heart broke to see what he is going through. He is betrayed from within.
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) December 20, 2020
I’m not afraid of these weasels. A greasy slickster like Pat Cippollone leaks lies to the NYT. I tell the truth publicly.
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) December 20, 2020
Meadows and legal staff led by GC Cippolone reflexively shoot down every sober discussion or idea presented. Their frame of mind is automatic: “we better not try that, it may not work, it would hurt your reputation in the press…“ No kidding, they say stuff like that. Tell DJT.
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) December 20, 2020
The whole damn stinking swamp of D.C. has been out to get OUR President since BEFORE he was even elected. China will crush us now as NONE will stand up to them but for TRUMP. I HATE YOU ALL FOR THIS COUP!! YOU GOEBBELIST PIGS STOLE MY COUNTRY!!!!................BURN DOWN THE U.N.!!! Commumists hold the reigns od our Government now.............REVOLT before they turn them on US!!!.............You KNOW they will too!
President Trump, get us out of the UN! President Trump, get the UN out of the US!
I agree with you Phil. America is a failed state. We cannot trust basic institutions like elections, the courts including SCOTUS with a solid "conservative" majority, government agencies (EPA, FDA, DOJ, FBI, CIA,....the list is endless). In the meantime China is running circles around us with their record trade surplus and with them recently leading a globalist trade deal similar to TPP that covers 1/3 of worldwide trade and that binds a ton of countries to China. We are fortunate to have Trump in the office who is the strongest world leader ever and who is driven by "America First".
America is at war... an undeclared asymmetrical war is being waged covertly and the President needs to engage it with a staff that he can trust to engage the enemy... He doesn't need staff members who give aid and comfort to America's enemies. The President needs individuals willing to pledge their lives, liberty, and personal fortunes to the cause of liberty and constitutional government.
The election fraud we just witnessed... was a broadside to our Constitution and the President needs to inform America that it was not just a rigged election. The November election was much more than a rigged election. It has unveiled a cabal of government and private individuals, and agencies engaged in high treason. The rigged election was a direct attempt to subvert our Constitution and its Republic.
The President needs to declare 'Martial Law' and use it as his primary tool to drain the swamp and correct the outcome of the fraudulent election. He needs to address the Nation, declare a Nationa Emergency, and establish Marital Law... to identify, arrest and detain all the insurgents and criminal conduct used to rig the election and at work from the beginning of his Presidency to illegally remove him from his office as President.
This betrayal has been present from day one of President Trump's Presidency... It is bad management that permits such crap to exist as part of one's organization. By the way, a 100% winnable situation does not site a plan that has an estimated "50-75% chance of victory." The problem is that the President has been fighting an undeclared war with both hands tied behind his back... a GOP Senate that wanted him gone and a Marxist style 'coup' working to unseat him from his first day as President.
The certification of the Electoral fraud on Dec 14th... figuratively, declared the entrance of the Red Army's marching band onto the White House Grounds, giving formal notice of the change in government that is taking place. Unless Pres. Trump declares a national state of Emergency and Martial Law... due to foreign and internal interference (an act of war) that substituted for our November Elections, it is unlikely the President will prevail in his pursuit to legally challenge the fraudulent results. Under Martial Law he can suspend the elections and go after the criminals with a vengeance ... expose the depths of their crimes and reverse the electoral totals... .too, return for a second term as President.
Now is the opportune time to DRAIN THE SWAMP... as part of the war on election fraud... take out every criminal now serving in government... elected, appointed or career bureaucrat .... judges and US Attorneys included.
I actually believe the betrayal began on Republican presidents with Bush XLI. Continued with W. Honed and fully loaded with experience behind it, the venom was unleashed on Donald.
Dear President Trump, what were your thoughts in 2001 concerning world events, concerning national events? What were your thoughts in 2005 concerning world events, concerning national events? What were your thoughts in 2009 concerning world events, concerning national events? What were your thoughts in 2012 concerning world events, concerning national events? Well, your thinking was perfect. Who helped you formulate your thoughts? No one? What were your thoughts in 2014 concerning world events, concerning national events? 2015? 2016? Who helped you formulate your thoughts? No one? You did amazingly well in 2017, 2018, 2019. Who helped you decide your course? Who made the ultimate decisions? Clear the room, sir! Sit down and think about what you should do. Ask God what He thinks, that inner voice. Scared? Why do you think God chose you to be president? Formulate your decisions as you did in former years! Then act. We the People are not behind you. We are beside you, with you! President Trump, let's roll!
Agreed, the President must seek the Lord's advice in this most delicate of decisions... he needs our prayers and physical support. All of the People who can GO TO WASHINGTON DC on January 6th, 2021 must go... too, overwhelmingly support the President.
Way too many people have been turning their backs on Trump and are not upholding their pledge of allegiance to Trump and therefore, to the United States of America. Trump needs to do some serious housecleaning and retain only people who are totally committed to him no matter what just like we the people are.