
  • Remember Democrats are like cats they always cover their s*** up.

  • I am shocked -- shocked I say 

  • Pelosi's almost as croooked as the Biden's

  • Democrats are like cats they're always covering their s*** up.

    • Ever since the Democrats took over the House of Representatives it smells like a giant Kitty litter box.

    • Right they sure as hell do not screw the American people like the POS socialist democrats!!!


  • He'll get away with it because they are demoncrats

  • Seventeen members of Congress were among those arrested Tuesday during an abortion rights demonstration outside the Supreme Court, according to the U.S. Capitol Police.

    U.S. Capitol Police said they made a total of 35 arrests for crowding, obstructing or incommoding, which included 17 members of Congress. Protesters had perched themselves on First Street NE near the Capitol building, blocking the street. Capitol Police said they issued their standard three warnings before beginning the arrests

  • I think the Clintons showed them how it's done !

  • She needs to be investigated. they are hold 01/06 investigations in public for a crime that was never comitted.

    Pelosi needs to be investigated and hearing

    need to be held in public so she can be dragged through the mud and indicted.

    She's a cunt.

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