
Nancy Pelosi's husband killed his brother in an early morning car wreck 65 years before his latest arrest for drunk driving, can exclusively reveal.

Paul Pelosi was just 16, a high school sophomore, when his sports car flipped over in February 1957 in Northern California.

A newspaper report at the time said Paul, a high school sophomore, would be cited for misdemeanor manslaughter. In the end there was no court case and he was exonerated by a coroner's jury.

His brother David, 19, had urged him to drive slower before the fatal smash, according to a patrolman quoted by the San Francisco Examiner.

'This is a bad stretch – better slow down,' David is said to have told his younger brother as he approached a tight curve near the Crystal Springs Dam on the Skyline Highway – now California State Route 35. 

Paul, now 82, told Patrolman Thomas Ganley he tried to slow by shifting gears in the stick shift car, but lost control.

'The car veered across the road, bounced back from a small embankment, climbed 20 feet up another, spun around and somersaulted simultaneously and ended upside down on the shoulder with both youths underneath,' reported the Examiner.

The crash occurred at 2:40 am on February 22, 1957. Paul had picked up his brother from a girlfriend's house in San Francisco and the siblings decided to go on a joyride rather than go straight home.

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