
Democrats are jumping for joy at the prospect of Donald Trump finally getting hooked, like Al Capone, on some kind of — any kind of — criminal charge.

But their own political idols — namely, the Clintons or Bidens — could one day be gored by a hyperpartisan district attorney in search of a crime, no matter how picayune.

Democratic DA Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump is so convoluted that even The Washington Post thinks it’s a stretch — and one that sets an ominous precedent. It threatens to open a Pandora’s Box of political indictments against former presidents and other elected officials, as well as their family members, by local prosecutors seeking to settle political scores.

Plenty for DAs to probe 

What could DAs go after top Democrats for? Where to start. There’s no shortage of scandals.

Let’s take the Clinton Foundation, described by whistleblowers as the largest unprosecuted fraud ever. Bill and Hillary Clinton registered it as a tax-exempt charity, but have used it as their own personal “piggy bank.”

The foundation keeps offices in Little Rock, Ark., where new Pulaski County DA Will Jones is a Republican who last year beat a Soros-backed Democrat for the job. He might be able to get creative with a tax-fraud case against the Clintons, who have potentially stiffed local coffers of millions in corporate income and other taxes.

Over the objections of local anti-tax advocates, the Clintons allegedly pressured Little Rock officials to float close to $20 million in bonds to buy land and construct the building housing the supposedly nonprofit foundation along with the Clinton Presidential Library.

What’s more, whistleblowers have accused Clinton Foundation officials — including the former president — of using tax-exempt donations for personal use, including private travel, which they have denied. Co-mingling such funds is illegal.

Other red states that could manufacture indictments against Democrats include Florida and Tennessee, where President Biden’s brother Jimmy Biden has gotten into hot water for allegedly defrauding health-care companies (which he has denied).


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  • WE KEEP HOPING IN VAIN THAT POLITICAL PARTIES AE THE SOLUTION TO OUR NATIONS PROBLEMS, tHE PROBLEM IS THAT WE ARE HOPING IN VAIN THERE IS VERY LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN  THE LEFT AND THE RIGHT THEY BOTH ARE HEADED IN THE SAME DIRECTION THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS HOW THEY PLAN ON GETTING THERE tHE  Democrats are open about their plans in destroying  our nation and forming a NEW WORLD ORDER. The Republicans are a little more subtle in their approach Our leaders in the Republican party have long ago lost any desire to take a stand for our Constitution or the rule of law they have decided that talking points and investigations which accomplish nothing will keep the voters on their side and eventually give them control of our  nation. We cant change anything as long as wew continue to elect an d reelect the same people  or elect those with the same mindset as what we already have, Washington is a  CESS POOL filled with the same political viewpoint from both parties. Whats the solution? We the people have to wake up and demand that those we elect uphold our Constitution and the rule of law, We have long ago given up our oversight of those representing us and allowed them to become selfserving while enriching themselves at our and our nations expense Its time to wake up and demand accountablility. We the people can save our nation political parties can not.

  • Let's indict all those who are committing crimes, regardless who they are, or how hight their position may be in government!

  • I think an honest D.A., who did an investigation of any type would find ample evidence to charge the people mentioned. And with crimes much more serious and appropriate then Bragg is charging Trump.

  • One will be disappointed if they think the GOP/RNC will do anything... to counter the politicization of the courts or the administration of government... The GOP Is part of the problem... not the solution.  Expect some theatrical saber rattling, photo ops, and a narrative feigning general disgust for the system... but no real change... none.

    The GOP is part of the ESTABLISHMENT... they have their DEEP STATE operatives and are deeply committed to a new world order... The major difference between the GOP and Democrat Party is who will hold the leadership positions and the type of government that will function as the new world order... Stalinist communism or a quasi-feudal/fascist state.

    • I agree. The GOP leadership has the same goals as the demonrats have. It's obvious that President Donald J. Trump is our last chance to save the Republic. This is the only thing you need to know to also know that we the people need to support Trump no matter what. 

    • No one... I repeat NO ONE must support ANYONE  "NO MATTER WHAT."  That is what Hitler expected.  I would also direct you to the US Military commissioned officers oath... their allegiance is sworn to the Nation and the US Constitution... not to any specific officer or elected official(s)  My allegiance was sworn to defend and support the US Constitution.

    • I'm glad to read that your allegiance is to the imposter in the White House right now because he is officially the president of the United States. I'm also glad to read that your longing for strong leadership is very conditional on your personal feelings about a leader and may change quickly. It looks to me like you are trying to square the circle over and over. Good luck!

      Lastly, I'm glad that Trump does enjoy widespread allegiance no matter what because a large majority of Americans know that they can trust Trump and really not anyone else, cartainly not the judiciary, law enforcement, or the corrupt government. They all are out to get Trump and therefore the country and each one of us. Americans have caught on and know that Trump is our last hope to save our Republic. 

    • Our only hope since our Founding has always been in Divine Providence, and only a righteous and honorable people are likely to continue enjoying the blessings of liberty, justice and peace. That Truth should be self-evident to anyone who has only to look around them at what is happening in our great country today  Lord help us and our nation in our time of distress.

    • Stop lying... deliberate misrepresentations of others views is the signature of tyrants and their ilk... I said no one should support anyone NO MATTER WHAT... That is how Nazis and other despotic forms of government govern... blind obedience... which always ends up with everyone in a DITCH.

      I support the Donald ... However, I don't support blind obedience to anyone... obviously you do.  By the way LUCK and FEELINGS have nothing to do with good government.

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