Mostly peaceful protests in California.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 28, 2020
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Mostly peaceful protests in California.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 28, 2020
You need to be a member of Command Center to add comments!
They don't deserve to live "in peace and harmony": they deserve exactly what they've been doing to us, and they need to find that out lickey-split - in commie China or North Korea.
Remember, o's speech just before the election he won? He said, "we are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming this country"!
i yelled at my tv! "Where are all the so-called journalists, reporters, and news media! Why does nobody ask him to define what he means by that!"
it was quite obvious to me that what he meant by that was his intention to turn this country communist, to void our Constitution, and I think he actually hoped that if he could do all this fast enough he would then become our dictator. Thankfully our constitution, our patriots, and even the evil Internet, helped us and prevented him from accomplishing all the things he wanted to do. He did many things, he did many evil things clandestinely which are coming out little by little and a lot by a lot now, but thankfully he was not able to accomplish it all to the place where he could rise to be the dictator of this country. How hard we need to fight against this attempted coup of our president, and this Marxist overthrow of our country, which George Soros as well as Obama have a lot to do with. How much I wish and pray that they and their others like them can be locked up.!
Looting and destruction must be met with overwhelming force! Preferably with a 9 mm or 357 magnum.
Please! Round them up and ship them to North Korea since they love communism so much! And never never never allow them back into this country‼️
I second that 100%
Someone commented, amazing! Of all the buildings and businesses they're destroying, we haven't seen them burn down nor destroy one Welfare Office!
isn't that something and what's that tell us? there is a message they are trying to send by doing that very interesting.
Just proves that left wing progressive/socialists are police, no nothing........destroyed a Mercedes dealership......time to bring out the citizenship militia.....start taking out these bastards.
the question is how can we do that?
In 2007 former Service Employees International Union (SEIU) boss Andrew L. Stern (ALS), a self-proclaimed outspoken Marxist, publicly announced his plans to destroy capitalism and the Republic of the U.S.A. and will be the first Marxist dictator of the United States. ALS funded Obama's campaigns and sat in the White House directing Obama for all 8 years, and methodically fired and replaced all pro-USA military officers, CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS, DOD, DOJ, NSC, etc. employees. ALS has teamed up with George Soros to break the U.S.A. The Democrat Party gave ALS 100% control in exchange for his guarantee that Republicans will never control the U.S. Government again. ALS plans have been published in many newspapers (Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, etc.). One of his announced & published plans stated he will use outrageous unreasonable social riots (he directs ANTIFA, controls, and supplies their weapons & bombs & black uniforms) to irritate & scare the American people until they scream for a savior to stop the insanity. He will then put forth his obedient candidates claiming they will stop the riots & social unrest. Once they take control of the House, Senate, and Presidency they will methodically and ruthlessly convert the U.S.A. to Marxism. ALS controls the teachers union and the labor unions at ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC, Disney, Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, Warner Bros.... ALS has proven himself to be a very successful leader.