Nancy Pelosi GIFs | Tenor

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said during an MSNBC interview Monday that President Donald Trump, along with the Republican Congress that supports him, are the ‘domestic enemies’ of the United States and the U.S. people should treat them as such.

What does she actually mean by this and what would happen if a senior Republican member of Congress would have said her exact same words to President Obama and his Democratic supporters in Congress?

Let’s recap what Pelosi said and watch it for yourself below. She specifically said when you swear an oath of allegiance to it is to “protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, and sadly the domestic enemies to our voting system are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States.”

Is she declaring an actual war on Republicans. What type of call to action does she expect from Democrats? Look at what’s happening in our streets with the rioting and destruction? Is she, like some of her Democratic colleagues pushing for these type of actions?

House Whip Steve Scalise, R -LA, who was shot by a along with other Republican members of Congress during a 2017 practice session for the annual Congressional Baseball Game, in Alexandria , Virginia, Tweeted Monday “Where’s the media outrage?”

I lived less than three blocks from that baseball field then with my family. I remember running there and seeing the commotion. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Other Republican lawmakers along with pundits have stated correctly that if a Republican lawmaker made these comments against a Democratic president and Congress that the media would have made this a number one story until someone was fired or removed from office.

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  • Pelosi is a sock person she got to go.

  • Pricess Nan is truely the Duchess of Dementia. But this meme says it better (for any that have not seen it)

    Smoking Dog Shit and Adult Diapers - MemeWorld
  • We keep being told to use the ballot. The ballot will save us. The ballot works only when all parties are civil and willing to follow the Constitution. The Democratic/US Communist party is setting up what will happen either in 2020 or 2024. Pelosi's statement tell us alot. Clearly, we are not enemies of our Constitutional Republic. So, what State? Clearly, they expect a change of State if they possess government. Please do not tell me it is only a Socialist state. Remember the USSR? Uniont of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics. Socialism is in fact Communism. 

    We are in the middle of a hot "Civil war." Now, the leading polititcans of our nation is now calling about half of the citizens of the US as domestic enemies. Do you hear NDAA? Do you hear special units to take out the DEs? Do you hear martial law? Do you hear FEMA camps? Vote but don't expect a miracle now that the Dem/Com party is pushing so hard for using ballots. Prepare for conflict. We are probaby the greatest National, Cultural and Religious danger our nation has faced since the Revolutionary War not our "Civil war."

    So, how does it feel to be a domestic enemy? Since we know what the State is of which Pelosi speaks I feel pretty good!

    • Bo, I think you are pretty much on target. I believe the fuss is over universal mail-in ballots, as opposed to walk-in ballots with absentee ballots reserved for people too ill or physically unable to vote in person. Democrat endorsement of universal mail ballot propogation, supposedly to retard the Covid-19 risks, seems frought with issues of verifiablity. That grey area is a rich field for election fraud.

      But to entertain you, there are surprisingly several versions of the loser political system called Socialism. Geography defined forms are: National Socialism (Naziism), and International Socialism (Communism or Bolshevism). These forms are effectively as dead like the brains of followers of the current ideological form, Progressive Socialism. Progressives deny the futility of Socialism by insisting on "advancing the sacred cause", regardless of means or outcome. They are willing to impose a series of ideas; something, anything, differant than the status quo, in a frenzied his-or-miss hope of achieving a secular utopia. This is "glandular thinking". All Socialists are ironically useful idiots for behind-the-scenes manipulators, currently the Oligarchic Technocrats.

      Socialism has attractive features, at the family level. Socialism, with its' best of intentions,  fails geometrically as it is attempted in greater and greater spheres of social interaction, sadly. This would be quite a joke, if not so tragic.

    • You are so right. It makes you wonder why Trump even allows elections. Why does he allow demonrats to rig them in the first place? Trump and we all know that Trump enjoys widespread support among Americans and will win with a huge landslide if they elections are fair. If he loses, the elections will obviously be rigged with large scale voter fraud. Just look at California in 2016. Trump would have won that state, too, if it hadn't been for the enormous voter fraud committed in the failed state of California. It is a sad time for our Republic and I wish Trump would do away with elections until we are guaranteed that they will be fair.

  • It has come to my attention quite often that the people of the Democratic Party makes statements and accusations about people in the Republican Party  that Democrats are truthfully guily of doing.


    • sorry, typing to fast - guilty of doing.

  • Members of the Democratic Party have become the Turn Coats of America.  They no longer support America's values nor the Constitunial guidance that our forefathers bestowed upon us following the Revolutionary War.  Nancy Palosi, since she has elected herself the leader of all those (Antifa, BLM, Progressives, Liberals, Socialist and Communists) is doing everything possible short of out right declration of WAR by out right support of of those that have taken up arms to wreck havic and distruction upon our American cities and citizens.  She has done everything imaginable to declare war upon America and the American peoples.  She is an ENEMY of the STATE and should be arrested.

    • She and others, need to be tried for treason.  All of them, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Brennen, Comey, Strok, Page and all the underlings that did their bidding.  Don't forget HRC, Kerry.  It is war.  If they are allow to go unfettered, they will continue their course of obstruction and treason. 


  • It is the communist demoncrats who are domestic terrorist and must be expelled from America for their actions against America!!

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