0 ADMIN Pelosi Calls Speaker Voting Frivolous, Disrespectful and Unworthy of this Institution Posted by Admin Dee on January 6, 2023 at 4:39am You need to be a member of Command Center to add comments! Join Command Center Email me when people reply – Follow
Piss on Piglosi! Let this has-been pass into obscurity where all trash is destined.
The solution is to call for an artical V Convention Of The States. First order of convention business Impose Term Limitson Congress . Convention Of The States has a web page be part of the solution ,check it out .
This from an alcoholic who exhibts many of the signs of dementia. I have never seen a more disrespectful or unworthy SOTH that Hag Pelosi.
If Piglousi wants McCarthy then we sure as hell don'y want him as Speaker
From the one who tore up the SOTU in front of the whole world. A criminal offense.
One sentence to Nancy. S.T.F. up Witch!