Hears Illegal Alien Crime Statistics “I reject your facts!” - Nancy Pelosi  12 | Meme Generator

The illegal migrants brought to the United States by their illegal migrant parents “are true and legitimate heirs … of our founders,” House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said in a Thursday speech on the House floor.

Pelosi made her claims as Democrats prepared to vote through an amnesty for at least three million migrants who are now labeled under several categories. They include the many illegals who were brought to the United States as children by their parents. Democrats refer to the child-arrivals as “dreamers,” even though Americans are also dreamers.

Pelosi said:

This legislation is protecting “dreamers,” and TPS [Temporary Protected Status] and DED [Deferred Enforced Departure] recipients, honors the truth that immigrants are the constant reinvigoration of our country.

When they come here with their hopes and dreams and aspirations, these parents bringing their children, their hopes and dreams and aspirations for a better future for their children, that courage, that determination, those aspirations, are American traits, and they all make America more American, with all of that.

Indeed they are true and legitimate heirs, these dreamers are, of our founders. E Pluribus Unum, from many one, we talk about that all the time.

Pelosi continued to praise illegal migrants while ignoring the dreams and aspirations of Americans, as well as the needs of the 17 million unemployed Americans.

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