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  • What are you talking about... the Election Judges and key election officials are controlled by Marxists and they count the vote... They tell us who won and when we object... they jail us.  They aren't even attempting to diguise the fraud... Why? 

    The registration of millions of illegal aliens has already occurred and who is to say millions more will not be added... we will have to challenge their registration in Court. We ought to get a ruling on any voter ID or fraud cases well after Kamala and her party destroy what's left of America.   Laws that are not enforced do nothing but pursuade criminals to increase their criminal conduct.

    I don't see a bunch of Secretary of State officials rushing to enforce ID Laws or purging registration roles of the millions of registered illegal aliens... and the millions waiting in line to get their DRIVER LICENSES.  Of course, they may challenge you and me asking for us to prove our US Citizenship... do you carry a raised seal copy of your birth certificate or passport with you when you vote... you may want to this election cycle

    • It has been encouraging to see the results of Judicial Watch court actions; they have been able to, successfully, sue various states and foce them to "clean" their Voter rolls - - - eliminating dead people, those who have moved to other states AND non-citizen "voters".  At least, that is a start in the right direction.

    • That's right, Ron. That's why every American patriot needs to uphold his pledge of allegiance to President Donald J Trump because he is the only one who can restore our Republic and make America great again. Until MAGA is fulfilled, there can't be any allegiance to the USA. We the people need to be grateful to President Trump for keeping this message front and center. 

    • Well, we contend with a bleak and realistic forecast.

    • Richard, unfortunately you are right. It looks bleak out there. This makes it even more unbelievable that Harris tries to project something positive. At least President Trump paints the correct and realistic picture of the United States that's best describe as you do: bleak. 

    • MASS E MAILS to SECRETARY OF states should be "A START"

  • Yes it her warped brain! Th3 love to exaggerate, that's the only way they can look like they are above the rest. Such heroes!

  • Admin DeFord calls the demonrats "gender confused soy boy". Haha. These people are indeed weak, they cry foul when they lose, they can't accept defeat or responsibility. What a bunch of loser. 

  • At least Pelosi understands that the struggle is not limited to winning an election... It is a war for dominance... for all the marbles ... Unlike our fickled and somewhat dense leadership in the RNC/GOP.

    • JUST AN OBSERVATION:  It seems as Kamala is displaying a very confident and celebratory attitude as the D.N.C.  wraps up.  So i would guess she is counting on lots of stolen votes to launch her into the Oval office. We still have time to make sure the voting in our areas is on "the up and up." So in addition to getting to our local elections people, (for the bare minimums of a "heart to heart" talk about illegals, double counting and PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP), we'll have other important concerns that OUR OTHER MEMBERS CALL TO MIND:

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