
  • As prior circumstances have proven as fact, when though a person's home has been burgled previously and you live in fear for life, you cannot "Set a Trap" by pretending no one is at home. Then lay in wait. When the burglars break and enter without direct threat and you shoot to kill several times at each, then you have committed murder. J6 Marching People were herded, then corralled and entrapped into a Crime. The Criminals are the ones who drove the "Herd."

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • The Castle Doctrine

      castleThe Castle Doctrine stems from the principle that an individual has a right to be safe in his home. Many states have different versions of the Castle Doctrine, and some allow the use of deadly force in more scenarios than others. Pennsylvania’s Castle Doctrine is quite extensive and permits the use of deadly force to defend yourself in a number of scenarios.

      First, if you’re not the initial aggressor, there is NO duty to retreat at home. In other words, if you are to use deadly force in self-defense at home, you will not lose your affirmative defense just because you didn’t sneak out your back door. In some states, if you can sneak out the back door safely, you must do so instead of using your firearm. Does this protection afforded to intruders encourage criminal activity? In Pennsylvania, we don’t have to worry about it.  A lot of states laws about self defense is different depending on the state.  (PA ST 18 Pa.C.S. § 505(b)(2.1). 

  • Reishtag Fire is what it is. You know it's true because) if you mention it to them the go ballistic.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Me thinks the (insert pronoun) ptotestith to loudly!!!!

    These COMMUNISTS are overthrowong us. STOP BEING STUPID SHEEPLE!!!!

  • Pelosi is a traitor of the first class

    • After she is out of power, which hopefully will be in 2022, charges of seditio and/or treason should be leveled against this disgusting sub-human!


  • Again Pelosi is attempting to BS "We The People." Is there anything new about that ? 

    • Whenever she opens her might as well be blah, blah, blah!

    • Put super  glue in her denture grip instead  polygrip.

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