Pentagon halts Biden transition briefings

Joe Biden isn't the 46th president (DAY 4) - YouTube

Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller ordered a Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with the transition of President-elect Biden, shocking officials across the Defense Department, senior administration officials tell Axios.

Behind the scenes: A top Biden official was unaware of the directive. Administration officials left open the possibility cooperation would resume after a holiday pause. The officials were unsure what prompted Miller's action, or whether President Trump approved.

Why it matters: Miller's move, which stunned officials throughout the Pentagon, was the biggest eruption yet of animus and mistrust toward the Biden team from the top level of the Trump administration.

What happened: Meetings between President Trump's team and the Biden team are going on throughout the government, after a delayed start as the administration dragged its feet on officially recognizing Biden as president-elect.

  • Then on Thursday night, Miller — who was appointed Nov. 9, when Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper right after the election — ordered officials throughout the building to cancel scheduled transition meetings.

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  • This takes an hour, but it is worthy of each second.  Here is what our crisis hinges upon: you.  Yes, you.  Each one of us separately.  If you truly want Trump to win, for law and order to be re-established, for the communists, atheist, and all those who would overthrow our Judeo-Christian beliefs to be subdued and brought to justice and the coup to be squelched, then find the hour to watch this video.  A Prophetic Look At 2021 - @Jonathan Cahn - YouTube 


  • really hope this is true and  he sticks to his guns....this country is in grave danger if he falters


  • How in the world can we, the American people, allow a physically and mentally deficient proven thief and liar to
    become our President ???

    • We absolutely cannot, the all the infiltrators, especially those in powerful positions. can and will try.

    • Well, that one is easy to answer, Pilgrim!  We allow the physically and mentally deficient proven thieves and liars to vote.  We call them by the polite name of "Democrats."  (Among other names)

    • Simple answer,........... We can't! ......... And if we allow this unconstitutional travesty perpetrated by the Democrat socialsts to succeed, we deserve everything that happens thereafter. It will not be pretty.

    • Hey RickMik, I have cousins, two whom are twins.

      Rick and Mick Ministries 

      Rick and Mick Ministries
    • By taking stupid pills.

    • lol

  • They know that Biden has already been compromised by China. We don't want to feed Information to a top Chinese spy like Joe. Makes sense.

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