Freedomlover777 (u/Freedomlover777) - Reddit

After a nearly 2,500-mile journey from southern California, the now estimated 30-mile-long People's Convoy is set to reach Washington D.C. Sunday morning in a call for 'freedom' and the removal of 'unconstitutional' COVID-19 mandates. 

The convoy arrived at Hagerstown, Maryland - the final stop before one last stretch to the nation's capital which is now around 75 miles away or about a 90-minute drive - on Friday night and held a rally attended by at least 1,000 vehicles. The group confirmed to it will be spending all of Saturday rallying at the Hagerstown Speedway before journeying on to D.C.

On Saturday night, fireworks lit up the night sky and a giant American flag was unfurled, illuminated by the lights of dozens of trucks, as thousands of demonstrators joined the truckers at the speedway.

The convoy's organizers finally unveiled their plan late Saturday night for the rest of the protest.

The caravan of trucks, cars and SUVs will circle the Beltway - the 64-mile highway surrounding the city - on Sunday morning and into the workweek at the minimum speed limit to slow traffic and to get their message to lawmakers, according to the Washington Post.

Brian Brase, one of the organizers, said the plan is to drive around the Beltway twice before returning to the Hagerstown Speedway. Each day this week, the convoy will clog one of the main arteries into DC until the group’s demands are met, Brase told The Post.

Another organizer did not rule out the trucks honking their horns along Pennsylvania Avenue. 

'I can tell you now that there will be select trucks going to the White House,' organizer Dan Fitzgerald revealed on his Friday morning livestream. 'I don't want people thinking we are invading D.C. This is not the convoy going into D.C. commons. This is a few select drivers.' 

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  • Let me be clear... I support the concept (Trucker Demonstrations and shutdown/strikes) Just not the current execution of that concept... I don't see the current Truckers Protest as being able to accomplish its intended goal(s)..  The Patriot doesn't need to waste his limited resources, time, and moral support by engaging in poorly conceived and counterproductive activity.  The better use of the Trucker's power to engage the government would be to PARK THEIR TRUCKS AT HOME and send large contingents, with prepared petitions and LEGISLATION, to our State and Federal Government legislatures and Congress for action... passage.  We must work smarter not harder.

    Wild-Cat strikes don't help .. they are, in fact, often counterproductive... consuming resources, time, and drawing the public's attention away from more effective means of protests and reform... The Patriot movement needs desperately to win a few battles. It doesn't need to witness more failure, they have been disappointed more times than not and that is not good for morale or conducive to mustering future support.  The public loves a winner and shuns losing causes ... even when the cause is liberty.  The people are looking for competent and successful leadership... they are tired of being betrayed and disappointed by failed leadership.

    • Whatever! You'd choke if you had to say anything's old!

    • Actually, Ilona, in regards to my plan, Ron was the ONLY ONE to have offered alternative ideas, a POSITIVE move!  His ideas were excellent and utterly peaceful, worthy of accomplishing.  Not everything written by Ron is negative.  In fact, most of his responses are based upon positive thoughts.  He uses accurate data to support his opinions, not feelings.  A house built on a rock vs. sand!  He is factual (rock), not emotional (sand).  While he may, at times, defend himself against unsubstantiated claims and demeaning words, he rarely, if ever, resorted to adjectives of a lower level.  If I had presented a plan to all herein, of having 10,000 trucks descend upon DC, etc., etc., etc., I would have been told in blatantly crude words that my plan was stupid, non-workable.   Yet, it was done to me!  I used marchers, not people hid in metal walls called trucks.  I know who would have led the charge against my trucker idea (those who belittled me).  I never care what others think of me.  Jesus is the only judge whose words I fear and love.  I sense Ron feels similarly.  So much time is lost with defending one's self or others on these blogs.  This lost time is due to the wasted time of members besmirching our own members.  How utterly foolish!  Are we not allowed/permitted to voice our opinions?  Must we get our opinions approved before posting them?  If we must, then everyone must.  Who will judge?  One of us?  Two of us?  King George?  I suspect that most would dissolve their membership first.  When did some of us lose our First Amendment right?  These truckers have finally settled on one major objective.  Good!  No!  Great!!!!  They have mixed too many other smaller goals in and confused people as to exactly what their main, or only goal is.  This ultimate goal should have been emphasized from the outset with the lesser goals stated as such.  Today, one of the leaders of the truckers spoke on AONN.  The reporter asked what their prime objective is.  The leader verbalized the objective which is now well-known as the prime objective.  The reporter then asked how that objective was going to be realized, achieved.  The trucking leader responded that she did not know!  Admittedly, she is not THE leader, but she was recognized, with no correction, as one of THE LEADERS.  How is it that one of the main leaders does not know how the prime objective was to be achieved?  There is a HUGE difference between not knowing and not wanting to divulge information.  Ron has overtly earned his esteemed reputation.  Anyone who besmirches him, to me, is of extremely little significance.  Those few and selected truckers who are going into DC may be key to gaining the objective.  But WHY is this maneuver a late addition to their itinerary?  It is this knee-jerk style that tends to make the convoy objective seem unstable.  Without question, without hesitation, we ALL want them to succeed.  Ron and I are suspicious of their organizational skills.  That should be understandable and without ridicule.  But sadly, a couple of our own members want to make much noise concerning it.  TO WHAT END!????  Fighting among ourselves is overtly childish - at best!  Don't you agree?  If you disagree with someone, is it not much wiser to state your thinking without belittling anyone else?  I love to read everyone's comments, even if I disagree because inside everyone's comments is something of value.  We are all wise in our own ways.  When we resort to belittling remarks, we have lowered ourselves, lost our position of wisdom before others, AND we have hurt the Tea Party’s well-earned reputation.  Those childish behaviors do no one any good.  If I were a visitor, I would click-off as the conversation is not inviting.  Emotional tirades are brattish, immature, and unworthy of response.  Don't you agree.  I truly would love to applaud your responses.  Let's move onward and upward and maybe, as a group, we can arrive at decisions that Dee, et al, could act upon.  Amen?  I must go.  It has been a long day in my old home-area: Waldorf-DC.  Early to rise.  Let’s join together and fight together and not argue and let the enemy enter.  What so you?

    • You are the master of insults, so is Nelson. You two have done nothing but knock this trucker movement then you write a damned book about let's  be nice. You first! Until then....go work on your 5 million men march in 8 languages! 

    • Sweet Ilona, you are wrong.  Many things cross my mind.  The wise person chooses from this smorgasbord of thoughts, those thoughts which could be spoken.  After contemplation in the mind, a particular may be selected.  Then comes the process of appropriate words that will convey the thought.  Finally, the mouth is opened and phonation occurs.  I know what I have written and what my words mean.  I have always supported their efforts.  But their prime objective has no method of delivery.  That is what I have said.  The prime objective cannot be accomplished.  There are 535 members in the congress.  How many have met with the truckers to date?  4?  But more are coming?  How many?  Pathetic results.  They cannot accomplish their objective without gaining the attention of the congress.  (I called my three congressmen Joyce, Toomey, and Casey).  And therein is the rub.  Constructive criticism: they have no plan for accomplishing their main objective. The waste of personal money, the waste of time and effort, the wear and tear of the tractors, and the demoralizing of the public's hopes are the result of no plan to achieve the prime objective.  Colonel Ron Nelson cares about this country and the people in it.  That is why he agrees with me concerning these well-intentioned and wonderful people in the convoy.  This same caring was demonstrated in his response to my plan.  He did not like some aspects in my plan either.  But he presented alternatives, as he has done for the convoy.  I would rather be warned than to do poorly.  Besmirching someone on your team is destructive.  In your short paragraph, you were able to besmirch me 4 times and Ron once.  You demonstrate your kindness sometimes, and I enjoy those times.  But often, towards Ron and me, you use baseless claims and demeaning adjectives to describe us and what we write.  Here it is:  #1 "You are the master of insults,   #2   so is Nelson.   #3   You two have done nothing but knock this trucker movement   #4  then you write a damned book about let's  be nice.   #5  ....go work on your 5 million men march in 8 languages!"   I implore once again to not divide our ranks, but rather to use your excellent intellect to build the character and relationships within our ranks.  You can do that!  Will you do that?

    • Another iteration of the Convoy's goals... it appears their goals change lanes more often than the convoy. I thought you said their goal was to repeal the National Emergency Act of 1976? 

      Oh, how oft doth the word of the indecisive shift from point to point... never to arrive at its destination.  What's next?  Who is submitting the needed legislation to reach their goals?  What concessions has Pelosi made to bring the CONVOYS petitions and legislate acts to the floor of the House? That is assuming they have presented any petitions or draft acts?

      How strange the empty hand doth taught success... where only the consumption of time and the prattling rhetoric of the misguided lay upon an empty field... unheard... the fruit of the bureaucrat's barren womb. The imaginary hope of the misguided laid bare to suffer the mockery of its adversary.

    • The hippies of the Woodstock generation did achieve something... They wrongfully promoted the idea that life has no limits, and behavior good or bad no consequences...

      Woodstock was a statement heard around the world...  whose fruit now governs the nation.  Woodstock was the forebearer of the Marxist cultural revolution.  Its debauchery is the fulcrum upon which our nation's social order was transformed from a society of rational, responsible, citizens into an irresponsible, immoral, and dependent Marxist society, wantonly consuming the living of others.

      Woodstock became the emblem of an irresponsible generation... whose existence consumed the treasure of the generations before it.  They laid waste to our heritage, giving no thought to providing for the security and provision of our progeny.

    • Really...

      I doubt the majority of the Truckers involved see it that way... they are laying it all on the line.  They are fronting the loss of revenue and the daily operational expense associated with sustaining the convoy while supporting and feeding their families. 

      I support the CONVOY's concept but question its execution... Its novice leadership appears to be less than up to the task.  They should have sought advice and support from individuals such as Trump, Cruz, Hannity, and others, a wide range of support from experts in several fields, before' executing the convoy.  The Patriot movement can not afford to waste valuable resources or continue to experience anything less than success for its assemblies and protests.

      Each protest that fails to achieve its goals weighs heavily on the morale and psychological mindset of the general patriot population... Success is now critical, as the patriot awakes to find betrayal in their political party and among many of its representatives in government. The RINO, MARXIST and GLOBALIST members in the GOP have signaled wholesale betrayal, adding an even greater burden to be carried by an already demoralized patriot.

    • You are a good man, John. This needed to be said. TPCC "discussions" didn't use to be so insulting. Discussions used to be in depth and go on for up to 70 pages before being cut off by the Admin. Those discussions were always about the merits of the thing not the merits of the person. When those who have faced danger and death for the causes of this country are ridiculed and reviled, something is seriously wrong. And others, reviled.

      It is written..... Intolerance is a sign of our time, when men's heart's go cold... . Son against Father. Daughter against Mother, or any of those symbolic and literal relationships, there is one common denominator and that is when hearts go cold. 

    • Marlene, why do they or he ask for your support? Because you exhibit leadership as do others in here, and you are a gifted organizer.

      Everyone in here exhibits degrees of desperation for our country, and each person has varying gifts. We are all completely distressed for our nation, which is lost at sea, controlled by a huge web of luciferian murderers from here, there and overseas, and even in unlikely places. It is far too easy to act like the proverbial shark and bite--out of grief and fear for our nation.

      Yes, I am asking for restraint overall---from  snipping, sniping and the laying someone's head on the chopping block just to prove oneself right. It keeps happening again and again. 

      Plans? I support John's plan but cannot go. I posted a plan on serving notice on either or both of our local critters or head to dc and serve the larger critters and not one person responded. No questions. No dialog. None. Other than searching and finding where a critters' bond is housed and through what agency,  it would be relatively easy as the bonding agency or Insurance company does the dirty work. That agency rescinds their bond and the critter loses their job or appointment. 

      But no one was interested.

      Overall. I ask for no less passion but much more restraint and for all of us, to instead honor others. And yes, it bothers at least me, to read insults heaped upon those who have served this country and faced down fear and dealt with loss of treasure in one way or another. 

      The truth is we are done as a nation without an act of God, and why would the God of the universe show us such incredible mercy and save this country when even we strong and knowledgeable Patriots are ripping heads off on the proverbial chopping block. 

      At the very least we might take note of our shortcomings on whatever scale and when they arise, and I include myself, pray and repent. Daily. I have my own personal weaknesses that I get sick of repenting for, but to our Father in heaven who gave His Son for our salvation and eventual life in the Kingdom, repentence means everything. That is why 2 Chronicles 7:14 is so crucial at this time and in every time. I believe we are in Daniel 2, where the Stone uncut by human hands, destroys the last kingdom built on ...?.... Love of money? I wish I knew. But it seems clear to me we are in for a move of God upon this earth that has never been seen before. If you ask me why,  I will say because the cabal has surrounded every nation in earth. Why would the God who laughs at His enemies, let dirtbag Satan decide the time of the end? He wouldn't.

      So, if it helps, give the stress overload to Him and repent for the hatred when it arises, the pride or any other thing. That is my suggestion to all and to myself. 

      Can a nation be saved in a day? Absolutely yes.

      I forget which prophet died and came back to life here in his mortal body. Whatever time he was in heaven, he was asked one question, "Did you learn to love?" He had to admit to himself that he had not. Even as a prophet and probably a Pastor.

      Lesson learned. He learned. He changed.

      Ha, my sermon for the day. Love you all...

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