
  • What this demonstrates is just how corrupt our government has become... both at the federal and state levels.  It uncovers an organized criminal enterprise within our government that has usurped so much power that it has become the dominant force in government... the DEEP STATE MUST BE REMOVED if we are to ever have a government of the people, by the people for the people again.

    • Just had a conversation with Bret Geren ... an ex Navy guy Ron. And I just finished reading the Peter Navarro report ... this exposé should published and distributed far and wide by many of us and our colleagues and friends ... its excellent.

      What's missing in all the discussions of fraud in our recent election is PENALTY. We the People have a very powerful weapon ... dollars to purchase things. Which stores (big ones with many branches across many states) who support the dishonest Biden/Harris ticket can we en masse strike for some time? Which stockholders of those store chains will feel the hurt?

      I'm remembering how the anti-war people (not me) during the Vietnam War days used to say "what if they declared a war and nobody came to fight it?".

      Retail chains are looking for big holiday sales ... hmmm.

      Bret said, but they'll retaliate this way and that ... not if millions of people act together! Let's all remember that Capitalism is about markets. If you are aware of a chain that is complicit in the election fraud, list it here!

      P.S. can this work? In my business days, I beat Microsoft, the Governments of Japan and Canada, and the Convention Bureau in Minniapolis. 

    • Good Idea but 'list it here' is a non-starter.... strikes and boycotts require massive notice (publication and dissemination) as well as an organization with leaders to monitor its progress and negotiate its terms to be effective.  These passive means of protest are good tools in a box full of similar peaceful but serious means for political protest.  Withholding taxes, selective labor strikes, massive sit-ins, are all designed to deny service and access to government agencies and their civil institutions of support. (MSM, etc.).   One needs to research Lech Walesa and the Polish 'Solidarity Movement'  to discover how effective passive/aggressive strikes, sit-ins, and assemblies can be. The 'Solidarity Movement' brought down the Polish Communist Government without firing a shot.

      The key ingredient in any passive/aggressive resistance movement great leadership... good ORGANIZATION and sufficient FUNDING to support its efforts... without proper amounts of each, there will be no program no boycotts, no tax, or labor strikes, no sit-ins.  Like the Private Militia, any attempts to EFFECTIVELY mobilize will require good leadership,  an effective organization, one with good COMMUNICATIONS, and an identifiable infrastructure capable of providing the logistics and resources needed to support large assemblies, prolonged strikes, and sit-ins. 

      It isn't enough to show up on weekends alone... We need staying power... massive staying power, and that requires minimal logistics and resources to assist the individuals on strike and in place to remain in place and on strike.  We need legal assistance, bond money, transport, feeding stations, sleeping arrangements, sanitation, field medical support, and on and on if you want to be effective you have to evolve way beyond 'List it here'... not trying to be negative or condescending, but that sort of spontaneous action will not work.  In fact, it can be very counterproductive... siphoning off real energy, funding, and effort in support of more promising venues for protest.

  • Far from "immaculate" - - this entire charade was as obvious as the nose on your face, if you were paying any attention at all.

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