This piece of shit needs to go down hard twenty five years isn't enough this bastard and his skanky girlfriend need to go down along with all the heads of the FBI CIA and the rest
That entire "Never Trump" crowd -- there are about six known factions at least -- Strock&Page -- Brennan&Clapper&Comey -- Clinton&Steele -- Schiff&Nadler -- Schumer & Pelosi -- CIA & NSA -- CNN & NPR -- and there are more.....wouldn't you love to see Durham tie the whole bunch up with a nice ribbon?
Hey Pete you too are going down along with your sweetheart. All the crooked lawyers involved will be paying the price too. First thing they should take your license.
You are next Peter.
This piece of shit needs to go down hard twenty five years isn't enough this bastard and his skanky girlfriend need to go down along with all the heads of the FBI CIA and the rest
No; you're not the only one. I hope it continues till its bitter end.
That entire "Never Trump" crowd -- there are about six known factions at least -- Strock&Page -- Brennan&Clapper&Comey -- Clinton&Steele -- Schiff&Nadler -- Schumer & Pelosi -- CIA & NSA -- CNN & NPR -- and there are more.....wouldn't you love to see Durham tie the whole bunch up with a nice ribbon?
A skanky Bonnie and Clyde.
The Mad Cow was euphoric with her opportunity to advance delayed misleading propoganda using this Deep State prop.
I so hope these peple will be put away for many many years
They should ALL get a Max sentance for thinking that they are above the law . In spit of the SOBs TRUMP WON !
Hey Pete you too are going down along with your sweetheart. All the crooked lawyers involved will be paying the price too. First thing they should take your license.