Dr. Richard Fleming has an event 2021 video that lays out where Covid came from, how to treat it, and why not to take the V.
It's got a lot of science but other things to illustrate his points. https://thehighwire.com/videos/live-from-event-2021-in-dallas-tx/
He has petitions to sign and send to the President https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_28ca4d3f84ed4a2990724cf5a6303544.pdf
, to the Senate https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_232ac7d5b63840859a3a902cc143ca0a.pdf
, and to the Congress https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_faed41b71da7408bbc62da1f1b7ebd13.pdf
, and your governor https://www.flemingmethod.com/copy-of-petition-of-the-president-c
as well about holding the people responsible for what they have done to this country through Covid19.
He also has treatment guides for doctors. https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_bb4eaf127a874de58cafd21e606b3fbb.pdf