
WASHINGTON — Law enforcement concerned by the prospect for violence at a rally in the nation's capital next week are planning to reinstall protective fencing that surrounded the U.S. Capitol for months after the Jan. 6 insurrection there, according to a person familiar with the discussions.

Though no specific measures have been announced, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hinted during her weekly press conference Wednesday at extra safety precautions for the Sept. 18 rally by saying: “We intend to have the integrity of the Capitol be intact.” Briefings for lawmakers, including congressional leaders, are expected in coming days.

A security plan that is being finalized calls for fencing to be put up outside the inner perimeter of the Capitol building and the Supreme Court, though not around the congressional office buildings nearby, said the person, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity ahead of an official announcement.

Police continue to track intelligence indicating far-right extremist groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are planning to attend the rally later this month at the U.S. Capitol that is designed to demand “justice” for the hundreds of people who have been charged in connection with January’s insurrection. Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, however, has said he doesn't expect his membership to attend.

On Wednesday, the FBI released new information to the public in hopes of catching the person suspected of leaving behind two pipe bombs on Capitol Hill the night before the riot, one of the enduring, unsolved mysteries of that chaotic week. The devices did not explode.

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  • As usual, it was probably "an FBI informant" (AKA FBI) who "planted" the dud pipe bombs. Nancy and the gang are terrified of us, therefore FBI, antifa and BLM will all be there in a dress rehersal rabble rousing and dressed in MAGA gear trying to make us look bad. It is all so predictable anymore. General Milley may even lead the charge.

  • The COMMUNIST USURPERS. will be staging another FALSE flag attack to blame us for.

  • Pelosi is a two-bit actor and this facade is all for show

  • They are terified of us. They know there are alot more of us than them. Now the others are waking up too.

  • The fence should not be reinstalled.  That in itself makes people mad as hell. no matter who.   Increase the security, including the NG, and stay on top of the intel.  For once be ready to knock some heads and arrest people on the scene, instead of tracking them down later.  



  • Old Nancy must be terrified!

  • Americans waving the flag are the terrorize for the FBI and the DOJ they are the right arm for the Nazi's in DC time to clean house 

  • WOW!! As I recall, the FBI has facial recognition pictures of the person that placed the bombs at the capital. They also have 14,000 hours of video from that day and they will not release any of it. Beware of the false flag attack. Also, remember that the Nazi's in power will use Russian and Chinese troops to go door to door to force the vaccine on people.and maybe take you to a concentration camp. Also, without the mark of ther beast, (the beast is a government system), you cannot buy, sell, or trade. We have waited too long, and things are going to get a lot worse. 25 years ago I tried to warn people about the coming NWO, I was not the only one but most people looked at us like we had 2 heads. (It's a conspiracy theory). Maybe you were one of those people. 

  • They Know Biden is importing hundreds of Terrorists into the Country and they are afraiid of a Terrorist attack

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