politics sleepy joe Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

In rational times, the idea of a major presidential campaign grinding almost to a halt in the final week before an election would be considered as an example of a collapse or at least a major cause of concern over that candidate. This would apply doubly if that candidate's physical and mental stamina had been questioned. However, in the bizarro world of the 2020 campaign, this is being hilariously spun by Politico as a brilliant move on the part of the Joe Biden campaign. 

Yes, no cause for concern at all. In fact, according to Politico this campaign slowdown just when the pace of campaigning should be picking up is really because "Biden flips script on Trump in campaign’s final week."

The Monday article by Politico spin doctors David Siders and Christopher Cadelago reveals that the near hibernation of patient Biden is really part of a brilliant campaign plan.

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  • Left wing lying loonies have not changed their ways in a hundred years. People see through this trash they pile up

  • Brillant?  The man can't even tell who he is running against and then says Harri's husband is her wife!!! This is why they are trying to keep him out of the spotlight!!!  You just can't fix stupid.......

    • It's much worse than stupid ... it is onset dementia.  A vote for Biden is a vote to make Kamala Harris President... as Biden will not last long in office.

  • I have been having my own thoughts that to quote Sherlock Holmes, "something is afoot". Because Biden doesn't act at all worried and is acting like he's already won. From what I heard he is already choosing his cabdinet members. I am also concerned about them allowing the late ballot returns. It gives the cheaters more time to make up ficticious votes.

  • Trump will win with a huge landslide next week, bigger than he did in 2016 which was already they biggest win in the history of the United States. Today patriotic Americans continue to support Trump no matter what.

    • There is evidence of massive, widespread, voter, and election fraud taking place all around the nation. Pres. Trump may win the legitimate vote, but with the massive voter and election fraud taking place, it may be impossible for Pres. Trump to carry the election. This is especially true in states that have up to 7 days AFTER the election to collect valid ballots. This system for tabulating the vote is ideal for the fraudsters.  With seven days to report the total vote, the Democrats have the time needed to produce the ballots needed to carry the day.

  • Ever since the illegal presidency of Obama, no one questions if someone is eligible or not.  I bet Kamala isn't eligible but no one is interested in finding out!  

    • She is not eligible


    • The People must insist that the Constitutional requirements to become President are met... see Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5:  "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."  Note one must be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, not a Native Born Citizen. 

      Kamala Harris is a Native Born Citizen based on her birth in the United States and the Laws of the United States pertaining to Naturalization and Immigration.  She is a Citizen by an act of Congress (the law) not by Natural Birth.  Natural Born Citizens have no other claim on Citizenship than that of their Parents native US Citizenship and their birth on territory under the full jurisdiction of US... sovereignty.  a Natural Born Citizen needs no Naturalization by law to become a US Citizen ... they can not be anything but a US Citizen... naturally born as a US Citizen.

  • Up is down and down is up... as Biden hides out in his basement, on oxygen, recouping from the debate...  A vote for Joe is a vote to make Kamala Harris President... Are we ready for another Alien to be President? Neither one of Kamala's Parents was a US citizen when Kamala was born on US Soil... we don't know the status of her parents but they likely had overstayed their education visas.... making them illegal aliens.

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