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PolitiFact botched a fact-check of a fact-check in a story exposing the group’s absence of a fact-check.

On Friday, PolitiFact Editor-in-Chief Angie Holan twice demanded The Federalist issue a correction to a story published Wednesday on comments the group was not very interested in fact-checking Vice President Kamala Harris.

“We’ve always been more interested in fact-checking the president than the vice president,” Holan wrote in an email Wednesday, when pushed on why the group had failed to fact-check demonstrably false comments from Harris. “That was true for the past two administrations as well.”

Harris claimed during an interview with Axios on HBO published this week that the Biden administration has been forced to start “from scratch” on coronavirus vaccine distribution.

“We’re starting from scratch,” Harris said, only to be directly contradicted by National Institutes of Health Director Anthony Fauci speaking to reporters a month earlier.

“We’re certainly not starting from scratch,” Fauci said. In fact, the Trump administration put team Biden on track to reach its initial goal of 100 million vaccines in the first 100 days. On the day after Biden was inaugurated, 1.3 million Americans were inoculated, according to Bloomberg News.

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