THIS is Black Lives Matter, folks: A BLM representative in Portland, Oregon, told a rally that all police officers should be “strangled with their umbilical cords” and that she is personally ready to shoot them.
Letha Winston, the morbidly obese BLM speaker at the Portland rally, told her hate-filled, terrorist audience that BLM is “at war” with the police.
“This is war you guys. We are at war, are you guys ready?” she said to the cheers of the crowd.
Winston also said that the “umbilical cord” of every police officer should have been “warped around your neck” and killed when they were infants.
She also said that she intends to begin shooting at police officers.
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Her obesity simply points to her lack of respect or value for herself, in other words, her self-hatred is now projected upon all who dare believe something else than her barbaric world view of violence as something to solve problems. She couldn't be more wrong.
Why do you call her out for being morbidly obese? There are conservatives out there that are overweight. One's weight does not determine one's principles.
Well, when someone shoots back at her they surly won't miss her, since she provides such a HUGE target.
So the Burn-Loot-Murder crowd have finally lost their senses. To have someone like this as a spokesperson is laughable. They are a big money making organisation who have done nothing to help any black people. What may have started out as a serious attempt to highlight unfair acts against unarmed blacks by police has been hi-jacked and turned into a terrorist organization with no credibility.
The only thing that lends any credence to her is the color of herskin. It isn't her snappy dressing. It looks like before this selective black lives matter bullshit all she did was sit around eating.
And this is the organization that big companys and almost all major sports teams support, wake up idiots BLM are not what you think
With such an open threat against police officers, why isn't she being charged and arrested?????? Oh, I forgot, this is Portland!
Send that btch back to where she came from. She can go home and we don't have to put up with her crap anynore. Everybody will be happy.
BLM along with antifa, demonrats, rinos, deep state, etc need to be removed from American soil. We the people only need real Americans and patriots in office, in Congress and in the judiciary. President Trump, please clean house! Eliminate all opposition to you, and make America great again!
And the BLM should be strangled with HEMP NOOSES!! Right in public, for everyone to see!
The Patriots intend to start shooting at the wild apes and the ones left alive will be shipped back to Africa so you can run wild and free!! Oh, the Blood of Jesus will set you free from sin and darkness!!