Portland cuts $16M from $245M police budget | KVAL

On Wednesday, City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty blamed the Portland Police Bureau and Mayor Ted Wheeler for exacerbating violence in Portland and effectively welcoming federal law enforcement agents to the city.

She also leveled an incendiary charge at Portland cops: Hardesty claimed it was they, not protesters, who had started fires around government buildings.

"Portland police have consistently lied to the public. They've lied to our congressional delegation about whether or not they were coordinating activities with this federal secret police force," Hardesty said during a webinar Wednesday hosted by Western States Center, which tracks extremism in the Pacific Northwest. "Portland was never out of control. Portland's police overreacted, which gave 45 [President Trump] permission to send in these troops."

Separately, during a Portland City Council meeting Wednesday, Hardesty said Wheeler "welcomed" the involvement of federal officers, according to Oregon Public Broadcasting reporter Rebecca Ellis. Hardesty said the Portland Police Association, the city's police union, had also welcomed the deployment of federal agents.

Her remarks are the latest step in a public fracture with Wheeler, who has counted on Hardesty as his ally as he seeks reelection. The two leaders worked together last month to produce a city budget that reduced police funding by $15 million.

But last week, she demanded he rein in the use of force by Portland officers or give her oversight of the bureau. On Monday, he refused. Now Hardesty is rebuking Wheeler in public meetings, even as she repeats her demand that he hand her control of the police.

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  • Why in God's name would anyone vote to keep this worthless person in the mayor's office?

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