Antifa in Portland are calling for comrades to organize their own riots this Thanksgiving in order to dismantle white supremacy & capitalism. They give tips on risk assessment & how to scout areas out for attacks. #Antifa
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) November 24, 2020
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i have heard that antifa plans to attack cincinnati on thanksgiving with an aerial assault of turkeys
Good let's hope they burn down the entire city... that may cause Pres. Trump to wake up and declare "Martial Law" ... giving him the needed power to detain the deep state operatives responsible for the Election Fraud getting them to turn states evidence on the king pins in the ongoing insurrection.
Antifa wants to riot on Thanksgiving "We the People "should riot and tell the socialists you will not take our country on a fraud election tell Biden you are not my president. How did Biden got more votes than Hillary Clinton or Obama? only by fraud, they stole millions of votes from President Trump and they are trying to cover it starting from the DOJ to the media.
The far left antifa fascists need to be brought to justice. Why have they not been dsignated a terrorist organization when they clearly terrorize we the people? Where are the FBI and the DOJ?
The FBI and the DOJ are sitting in a bathroom stall at the bus station playing with each other! Telling each other what a good job they are doing!
Col. Ronald, you are right and a little more indepth then I was, Thanks!
So..................We can start killing the enemy now,right?
I think it is comming!
There is a problem in following the advice of the Left when organizing... one has to violate the law to be effective. The leftist doesn't care about the law... the ends justify the means. Hence, the Conservative and Patriot who are law-abiding find it difficult to take civil disobedience to the levels necessary to effect change. What is needed is strict law enforcement. If Federal, State and Local governments are unable or UNWILLING to enforce the laws as written... the President as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer must TAKE CARE that the Laws are faithfully executed by the most effective means possible. When law enforcement and the courts are unwilling to act then the President must... declare 'Martial Law' and pursue the agencies and political parties that refuse to obey the laws... they are criminals and need to be arrested, indicted, tried, and sentenced if we are to be a nation of laws.
A history of non-compliance with our laws has been established as part of the Democrat Party's system for achieving power... plausible deniability, turning a blind eye to crime, has degenerated into a culture of lawless conduct: Insurrection, sedition, espionage, obstruction of justice, Election fraud, voter fraud and on and on have become acceptable conduct for certain elements of society. The President is responsible for seeing that our laws are faithfully executed... that simply is not happening. The President is actually an accomplice to their crimes thru his failure to act to faithfully execute the law. Wake up... law and order requires enforcement. Without enforcement, there is no law and order and what passes for law and order is arbitrary and capricious enforcement to achieve political objectives... the people are being ruled under the COLOR OF LAW.
Mr. President declare 'martial law' and pursue the deep state where they sit... the governors, mayors, city counsels, federal bureaucrats and agents who have been flaunting the law and breaking it with impunity... sanctuary cities are committing Felony Harboring, obstructing justice, interfering with federal agents... and on, and on... all felonies tat YOU SIR should be executing warrants on...
I agree with the retired Col. and usually do. However, over the last 3-4 years I've come to the conclusion (and I believe I'm right), that the democrat party runs the country. The Republicans are allowed a seat at the table while voicing great outrage and playing the victim, (the FBI and CIA are hindering our efforts). Trump should have gone full boat in Seattle during what was an armed insurrection. My hope there was, he was trading a month for 4 years of re-election. Avoiding a possible Kent state. It seems as though Trump and only a handful of others are the only one's fighting. He has no one in his corner. As I write this the dow just broke 30k, wall street money to biden. My friend works for ICE. He says they never put Trump's and Pence's picture up, they just took down biden and obama. I'm told it's the same in all of the NYC offices. Trump is not perfect but how can you get anything done when your own employees are against you.