Teachers claim it isn’t safe to go back to classrooms, but apparently teachers think it is perfectly safe to RIOT. This is who is teaching our kids. Maybe homeschooling is a better plan. pic.twitter.com/GwsV3quhM0
— Austin Frisch (@Austin_Zone) July 26, 2020
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Do any of you remember when President Reagan fired ALL the air traffic controllers?
what an uproar! The so called leaders screaming that it will be unsafe to fly!
He fired them for striking and not showing up for work.
THAT is what made it unsafe to fly! Those flight towers weren't being manned! So he fired them all!
Perhaps the virus shutting down schools has been a blessing. Parents may now see how their children have been DUMBED down!
SElfish and subversive groups have taken over schools and curriculums to promote their bad values.
When a city in California, and their school board!, wanted to remove teaching children that homosexuality is an "acceptable alternative lifestyle" and other important, conservative issues, a subversive group from Wisconsin arrived on the scene, took the issue to court, and got in front of a judge that agreed with the Wisconsin group‼️.
why should a Wisconsin group be approved by a judge to control the teaching in a conservative California community!
President Trump is right, to be appointing conservative judges, and the MORE THE BETTER,
Folks, there are so many things wrong! So much needs to be fixed, and it mystifies me how it can ALL be done. People have been asleep too long!
Oh, and yes! There are still conservatives in California!
AND some great pastors that are involved in teaching their congregations about government and conservative voting. Pastors that urge their people to vote, that invite great historians such as David Barton to come and speak.
But it's difficult to elect conservatives there when illegal immigrants are voting, AND MANY OF THEM VOTE MULTIPLE TIMES, They do not cancel out the vote of one conservative! One illegal can cancel out the votes of 4 or 5 conservative voters.
When Clinton was running for President, way back in 1992, MTV ROCK THE VOTE was hiring young people to go out and register those illegal immigrants to vote! Some conservatives holding Congressional seats lost their seats that year. California has yet to recover from that! The voter roles there and in many other states need to be cleaned out!
Let's be clear. Teachers are hired by departments (college) and administrtion (lower levels). They are always interviewed and their philosphies paraded either overtly or covertly in front of whomever is hiring.
You cannot hide someone's spirit. I do not believe it is possible to those who are Christian. and awake.
Departments are directly influenced (by covert/overt/ force) by the policies CHOSEN by the Boards of Directors and by the Administration.
For example: I have 0, zippo control over the fact that my President, his Board of Driectors and the 2ndary Administration are IN THE TANK for BLM bs, for SOCIAL JUSTICE, for DATA collection used to manipulate,
for EQUITY and ALIGNMENT—————ALL designed to uplift/make excuses/enable those who "haven't had the opportunities" (BS..T). .
They WENT to SCHOOL, just like I did. If they don't -R E A D-, NO ONE can help them.
Think about this. They do NOT (more + more) read a BOOK. They read online. This subjects them to the porn ads that are everywhere, the CNN lies, the gov.co propaganda, CoVid prop/scam, the SJW religion bs, the aethism, the moral relativism religion and no where to be found is anything Christian, true or righteous. If the righteous ruled as we are supposed to do, none of these jerks and traitors and atheists would stand a chance in hell of being hired.
I would not have been fooled, nor would I have hired any one of them, even if they had smiled, said hello, nice to meet you. NO.
I am saying, it is the influencers who made this travesty happen. Colleges as corporations' push to save $$$ has also influenced faculty, as they become corrupted also when lies, more lies and damned lies is ALL THEY SEE.
Run for school boards.
I will give you one very practical and low key example of the damage caused by not reading a physical book ibefore they get into my program/dept.
I teach graphic design in college. Students come in, having spent their formative years on a phone or laptop, playing games/learning games, most of them (except the home schooled). The book readers learned a simple design principle from reading books. They learned the reason for margins on the page is to have a place to place your thumb/finger, to turn the page. It is ingrained in them as common sense.
This generation had no such basic learning about proportion, purpose and practicality. So what do they do? They do their hand-lettering all the way to the edge of the page. it simply is not in them to think ahead, to frame the page with a border, to make reading easier and purposeful. If you get what I am saying, then understand that I am teaching honors level, college level, high school level and grade school level in one college classroom. Even though I TELL THEM ALL. Seriously, if I could count the number of times that I have realized that I did things in grades 2-4 that they can't/don't do now as adults, that number would be high.
Many times, they have no clue what is important Their lack of words astounds me, class after class, year by year, it is worse and worse. And this is college. Part of the reaason may be, to be honest, that some come in thinking because a lot is digital, that it should be easy and fun. And it is the opposite, it is hard and grueling, but eventually rewarding. So that is a factor. Realize also, the home schooled ALWAYS excell.
I am saying: This starts at the TOP, not the bottom. These people should never have been given the opportunities they were given, to teach and lead our most prized people, our young. And yet, they were.
If you want to pray, pray for the righteous to be seated in places of authority at all levels. I happen to be very very blessed in my dept. The influence is there, but can be worked around for those of us wiho see what the mandates mean from on high have done. And in my underhanded way, say NO.
And YES, Gates awarded my college, I think 5 million funny money bucks to gather data, play to data, serve data and adjust our performance reviews so acknowledge data. And to turn my beautiful community college into a data collection machine driven by mandates from the marxist playbook and Skousen's manifesto. To look good to the corrupt Gov.co and get some bucks.
Who began this thing of turning my former community college into not a school for people 1st, but as a data collection machine?
Gates—#1. —5 milion bucks—spoke LOUDLY. Data
The Governor traitor Kasich spoke.—He was #2. Data
The Board #3 Data
The Admin. #4 Data
The Chairs #5 (the world views here vary widely. Data and/or People
lastly, faculty. #6 ?
The influences continued into Theater, which indoctrinates, the latest play bows to the idol of BLM. The influences continue into Faculty Training workshops with Diversity, Diversity, Diversity. (A student of mine made a joke that when you say the word "Diversity" 3x, the President/College comes running. (pretty astute) Equity is used to "lift" those of a certain color who cannot, didn't, don't know how, whatever, there are multiple support groups to "help" them. Not so much for the other color. "Help" happens but on an individual faculty level. No, they are called out, called out, and called out because of their color. So, the assumption to begin with, is racist. One color is Preferred, for data, looks good to the state, gets us some funny money.
This is ALL a top down mandate. From atheist authorities to gullible Christians who don't know a thing about a thing and who don't stand up either coverlty or overtly. And we do not have a teacher's union to blame, either. But we sure do have Pastors to blame who don't teach a thing, know a thing, say a thing or do a thing. I just have to say that, too.
And I will add, I should not have had to teach myself about biblical world view after learning about progressivism/marxism/communism from David Barton and Glenn Beck. I should have learned from my evangelical Pastor, who refuses to get into "politics." I wonder if he knew that politics = government, if that would make a difference. I doubt it. That's what I mean about pastors not seeing a thing, saying a thing, doing a thing. My evangelical church should not have BLM and abortion supporters in the congregation, but we DO.
I am not speaking for colleges that retain the right to admissions rquirements. I am in an open enrollment college. But, I have been "asked" to "help" an autisitc student "achieve" a good final outcome, more or less. And my answer to you, Marlene, is that I agree that lowering standards lowers the results, the diploma and overall achievement. When I was a newbie adjunct, I had a disruptive student whom I had no experience or training with how to handle his problems, attitudes and outbursts. This kid was a true problem. The result was that the best student in my class, by far the most creative, dropped the class and told me, "I cannot handle the atmosphere in this class." I simply had no idea of what I was allowed or even expected to do and that student knew it.
That was under a former Chair, who gave me no mentoring whatsover, when i started, nor did other factulty. It is not like that now, we are all responsible and we all communicate. We actually need to completely rebuild education from the bottom up, add cursive back in, which is "brain drawing", which integrates both right and left hemispheres of the brain. Brain drawing helps teach the brain to learn. I believe America became great because people were taught without govvernment mandates, without social issues, without phony math, and with discipline, strong behaviour standards, real subjects such as civics, grammar, sentence diagramming, European History, American History, biology, etc.
But you can't change education without changing parenting. The tech addiction is now earlier and earlier, affecting practical and mechanical learning. We had sewing and shop (F and M)
So here is where I might disagree with you in calling art, music and gym—playtime for the following reasons, keeping it short.
Learning music aids in learning math skills by teaching intervals as one example. It has been proven. Learning art integrates R and L hemispheres of the brain, integrating analysis with imagination and observation. Gym, ironically is what little boys need to throw off misbehaviour issues. Boys do not develop as quickly as little girls, they do not catch up until around 8 or so. So, they took away gym, forced the little guys to sit still, and what happened? They had no outlet for energy they could not control, so guess what, they were diagnosed as ADD, ADHD and put on meds. Nice scheme, eh? At the same time food got more and more polluted through GMO's and Roundup. That's probably why males sperm counts are down almost 30%. I read that somewhere.
I like what the Monessori methods do, from what I have learned from a friend who teaches Montessori. They use body movements for drawing large shapes. They put large boldly designed puzzles together that help teach geography withrequired body movements to reach each area of the puzzle. Everything requires touching, hearing, seeing, movement, participation and everything is in small groups. Sitting, standing, reaching, assembly. Very good basis for further learning, as spatial recognition is built in from the first day of school.
As for competitive universities, I am not against some degree of scholarships if a kid, black or white or other, came from an impoverished background. I would never say tthat should not happen. But, diversity has become a stranglehold, like LGBTQ and Trans has become a stranglehold. Putting one color first in everything is something that should not be happening. But when I asked my Chair if I could be considered in the college's Grow Your Own (Master's Program), I was told flat out, "You are not the right color." I should have been able to at least apply.
Never mind that I taught more than all of the full-timers. Neve mind that I was and still am, the only one who has taught all of the 1st and 2nd year courses that we had at that time, including a couple I had to prep and stress over the entire time and every class. Never mind that two dept Chairs (Art and Design) went to bat to keep me teaching that many classes, (which got me insurance) and both said to the Dean, "We need her." So, I worked more than the full-timers for less than half the pay. Why shouldn't I have been able to apply? I taught 60 hours, the absolute maximum yearly.
But to fix the whole thing? I have no idea of how to cut the head off the snake, the administration, as everyone learns to say Yes, except a few of us on the bottom rung who learn to subversively say NO to their emphsis on international diversity, social justice, blah, blah. I teach my subject and love my subject, but I teach Puritan work ethic, I teach life, gratitude, manners, discipline. I have halled very large maile students out in the hall and given them a come to Jeanine moment they weill not forget. lol
Thank you, Marlene. That is wonderful that you have helped kids with true potential!! All I know is I am seeing less readiness and as I am forced to say a thing again and again, I come back to the lack of words. That is why I keep going back to reading. My Mom signed me up for book club after book club. I may have not cared when I should have cared, but eventually, I grew up. Now I am insatiable, digging for truth like a hound dog. lol
Then we wonder why these kids are coming out of school commies with no appreciation for AMERICA. We need to take the schools back from the Govt and the Unions or teach your own kids.
Hopefully they get convicted of a Felony..
certain felonies they cant be a felon teaching..
Terrorism is one of them hopefully that will be the charge..
And they have the support of every major city mayor ... these kinds of "teachers" play a major role in influencing elections
The President should declare by Executive Order that teachers are essential workers and force them back to work or into retirement.