
  • Portland is reaping what it has sown for years. I pray for those who cannot afford to get out of there, but want to. 

  • Look they voted for these people but do not deserve this.  THEY NEED TO VOTE THEM OUT AND RESTORE THE CITY

    • 100% correct it's time for the people in Portland to wake up and smell what's in their back yard.

    • Are you kidding? The voters in portland hate the U.S.A., the Flag, this is their way of getting back at America. The same with chicago, seattle. ny, nj, pennsylvania. You don't vote for leftists for decades without understanding what their intentions are. They wanted this, let them reap their rewards. Quit making excuses for them, they would much rather you die and spread their failed marxist tripe throughout America. To them it is about winning, right or wrong, it is all about winning.

    • ABSOLUTELY Correct!  They think liberal socialist policies are so great?  This is just what they deserve!  MAYBE they'll begin to get their heads out of their rectums now and vote in some conservative lawmakers and policies?


    • From what I have seen of Portland, and I lived there, you are correct.

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