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  • Stumbled across an interesting article recently, wish I could remember which website.  "Alternate Electors" are NOT illegal, they ARE allowed by law, so this case, in Arizona is pure fraud,  "frivolous" lawsuit brought by "apparently, illegal efficient holders", afraid of being ousted for their election fraud.  We all remember the nation's shock and surprise when we elected the very first Catholic President the USA had ever seen.  Yes, I am talking about JFK. It seems that he became President, only because, the ALTERNATE ELECTORS, of the State of Hawaii decided he was the better choice.  There was no hue and cry about "fake electors" then, so why should there be any now??

    • Typo - - don't know how "illegal OFFICE holders"  became illegal efficient holders- - - seriously, that is NOT what I wrote!!

  • I think we're not putting emphasis on what comes next..., as we've seen from the Gov Whitmer FBI set-up to Jan6th FBI set up..., to the memo targeting catholics ..., to people praying in abortion centers.

    They ARE coming for US.

    Trump was and IS correct, he's just standing in the way.  right now. 😖

  • Finally they realize that they cannot indict President Trump, who should never be indicted anyway. He is the President of the United States of America for crying out loud. He is also the only honest politician out there who speaks truth to power and money. Even if he is a billionaire, he is one of us and cares deeply about America and Americans. He understand the plight we find ourselves in, he knowsm how bad things are in the US, and he knows how to fix things. That's what the ruling class hates about him and that's why they come after him.

  • I feel so very sorry for Trump, he cares so much for this country and is going thru so much hell.

  • Shame on Arizona! It's a Heavy Stain!

  • even though Trump is most likely going to be convicted in the Alvin Bragg case (because it IS NY afterall and they did vote for by Biden 83%), they are seeing their newest, latest hoax' on Trump get complicated.

    AZ has fallen so far. 😒

    CA, OR and IL emptied out into AZ.

    • All we need is one juror to stand their there one good person in NY?

    • judging from the jurors and where they get their news... I'm not hopeful.

      but I AM hopeful that Americans will see thru the hoax and vote for him anyway.

    • I felt that way about the Oberlin college case in a blue town, a blue county, with a leftists judge, what could we possibly get......but the Gibson family got over 30 million from the collage! It gives me hope that even in the dong pile there just might be ONE clean and willing person! 

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