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  • loacrion church of revelation

  • They lie, nazis lie, they riot, nazis riot, they threaten and kill peaceful opposition, nazis threaten and kill peaceful opposition, etc ... so it's easy to tell who the nazis and degenerates are

  • NAACP another America hating good for nothing black racist organization. It would be interesting to see where these black racists get their funding from.

  • Another racist at work. They all got encouraged when this travesty and impostor of obummer was in the White House. I am so sick of these racist demonrats.

  • funny how the left can call names and denigrate the opposition.  Is this their idea of "tolerance", "inclusiveness", and "diversity"?

  • The NAACP are the most racist hated organization and please don't tell me they are good Christians all they want is to control their people and make them slaves to the Democratic Party.

  • They should know. They endorsed Biden for president. Remember that one. Haha

  • The NAACP is now even MORE desperate to appear RELEVANT than they were pre-Obama.  Just think of it- we had eight years of Obama's lies and corruption, and NOTHING to speak of that actually benefitted the American people as much as the Democrat Party.  THEN we saw just four years of a real American businessman who accomplished TONS of stuff for the American people- most of which he had PROMISED while running.  By comparison to Trump, Obama and anything to do with the NAACP looks totally valueless.  Black Americans have SEEN IT ALL for themselves.

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    • I've still got my DEPLORABLE T shirt- wear it REGULARLY... especially Walmart, Lowes, Food Lion!!!  ;o)

  • He should count his lucky stars.  Without "white people", he'd still be a spear chucker in East or Central Africa.  And yes, I meant to be offensive .....

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