
  • President Trump is my President, the Democrats are followers of evil 👿 & destruction 🙏🏻🇺🇸

  • Trump was out done he appointed too many CFR members to his side and they carried out his and our defeat. You can't trust RHINOS both parties are fully corrupt, The Donkeys design it, the RHINOsS sign it and we the stupid sheeple pay for it!  The only real hope for America is Jesus Christ He is the savior of the Nation. The backslidden church in America needs to repent and freedom would be restored, but until the pulpits and their followers turn back to our first love, Jesus Christ, nothing is going to stop God's judgment. All the false prophets who predicted that Trump would be re-elected for another four years lie in the ditch for the blind, with the rest of the blind as they are!

    Pastor Richard


  • He is blaming Antifa and BLM for attacking the Capitol.  We all now know that Trump's supporters would not, and did not, deface the Capitol.  It was the Democrats, CCP, and Soros who funded and directed the thugs in order to make Trump and all of us look bad.  Typical dems:  they do someting evil/wrong/illegal and point at us and say "Look what you did!"  Did many of us on the front side follow them up the steps?  Yes.  And we stood there and watched from those steps and terraces..  If the dems, when they saw the crowd size, had invited 80 to 160 (numbers as a suggestion) of us into the chamber and then allowed us to appoint a few to speak our grievances and, prior to this, announced to the crowd what they were doing and requested our help in  maintaining peace in our crowd, I feel confident that we would have assisted the men in blue, our friends.  But the dems would never do this because they do not care want anyone thinks - which is why Trump was created, why we rally, and why we were in DC.  Who created the mayhem?  Chuck, Nancy, Pencil-neck and the crowd along with Soros and the CCP.  For all those conservatives who never lifted a finger to help along the way, enjoy your just desserts!  You have lost your country unless DJT has something up his sleeve. I used to say I am a proud Amerucan.  I no longer say that.  I say that I am proud of what God has accomplished through me.  There is an old hymn: "This world is not my home; I'm just a-passing through!"  You can have your new America. Look up: your redemption draws nigh.  Bye-bye, American pie! 

  • Seems like he's blaming us for allowing the seige in DC, in four years he did not attempt to drain the swamp and in effect turned over this country to it

    • You are so wrong Oleg


    • Norma, I may be wrong, and I think Trump is the best president we could have for the times we live in.  The system is against we the people, Trump tried to change it within the system, which is impossible!

    • Oleg, I beg to differ. Trump made America great again. Period. But maybe you are saying he did not and he lied to us.....

    • I do believe you are completely misunderstanding him, Oleg..  No blame to anyone, other then Antifa and BLM.  

    • Heike, I may be wrong, and I think Trump is the best president we could have for the times we live in.  The system is against we the people, Trump tried to change it within the system, which is impossible!

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