— Stephanie Myers (@_StephanieMyers) March 10, 2021
Former President Trump releases a statement encouraging Herschel Walker to run for U.S. Senate in Georgia
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He would win with out a doubt.
Well, well I do agree with President Donald Trump but I don't think we are going to see an election anytime soon.
I agree Hershel alker would be a good choice!
Lets start picking the right people for the job and continue supporting them until they get the job!!!! This is the only peaceful way we can clean the House and the Senate! Great idea Mr. President!
Run Herschel, Run!
Herschel for VP and Speaker of the House. God is in charge not the devil worshippers. He is sending His army of angels to destroy our enemies. He is lifting the veil of blindness from those hypnotized by the devil's schemes. The 99% are God fearing and love freedom. It is the elite and 1% Communist agitators that are trying to destroy us. If we band together, we will defeat them. Support COS, Save America PAC, and sign my petition to sue the Dems out of existance. I would recommend the Tea Party and all other Conservative organizations to contact Trump to consolidate funds and supporters to MAKE AMERICA AWESOME FOREVER!!!!
With all the rino's in washington that are not running for reelection, It reminds me of a sinking ship, the first one's to leave are the rat's.
Run Hershel!!
Win Hershel!!
Georgia needs him... America needs him & 99 others like him in the Senate; plus 434 more in the US House.
"President Trump" - I like that
I will always refer to him as President Trump... He is my President, Joe Biden isn't .... LOL....