
  • Time for another... Contract with America

    The original Contract with America was a legislative agenda advocated for by the GOP during the 1994 Congressional election campaign. Written by Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey, and in part using text from former President Ronald Reagan's 1985 State of the Union Address.  the Contract detailed the actions the Republicans promised to take if they became the majority party in the United States House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. The contract was the single most successful political idea in decades and propelled the GOP to victory in the HOuse and in many State legislatures around the country. 
    It is time for a new contract with America... itemizing the programs and legislation the GOP will sponsor and build on to make America Great Again.  The Contract needs to be signed on to by all those GOP candidates who pledge their support for the Contract items, and if they fail, they swear not to run for public office again.  The Contract must be worded to subject its endorsement to some sort of penalty in law if not kept...  penalties, whereby massive civil damages may be sought by their constituents.
    Keep the Contract to no more than 10 cornerstone items for the next President and GOP Congress to support... emphasize it in all of its campaign rallies and literature.  Let the Public know that the President and GOP stand for informed government and that they will keep their promises
  • What happend to ...."LOCK HER UP?!!"


    Wall? A REAL wall.

    What about American HIstory?   What about our FlagS?    What about our monuments?

    These new goals by Trump are mostly generalized goals. We elected him for specific things.  Walls.  Justice. Judgment.  Crime by  Treason.  Sedition.  Conspiracy.  2nd A.  No Abortion. No Aliens.

    Criminal:  IRS, BLM, NIH, CDC. 0, HBeast—— WHAT HAPPENED to Fast and Furious? Benghazi? PizzaGate, Epstein, Sex Trafficking? Education and White "Privilege", Reverse Racism?


    This is a MAJOR issue. Not to mention, NO vaxx is going to be safe. NONE. MODERNA has never even made a vaxx before, NEVER. 

    He is ignoring the tyranny right in front of our eyes. WHY? Medical tyranny. Tyranny of the violent. Tyranny of the tech giants. Tyranny against the Church. Tyranny of Govs. and Mayors. Tyranny by big business. WE ARE LOSING OUR FREEDOMS. Does he not see THIS?

    He is starting to look like my former pastor. See nothing. Say nothing. Do nothing. 

    • I totally agree! And what about 5G causing illness? We've all heard how dangerous it is. I'm beginning to think we are going to have a lot of problems beginning 2021 if we don't get the problems you've mentioned addressed by Trump. I feel like we've been abandoned at this point.

    • 5G is a huge wormhole. Causes illness. Causes hypoxia. Keeps hemoglobin from binding to oxygen. Starves the body of 02. 

    • Exactly Jea9...

      It appears Pres. Trump's campaign staff are avoiding taking on the controversial and most difficult problems... illegal immigration, fiscal accountability,  criminal prosecution of the deep state, abortion, the hate for American excellence and history, open insurrection and the right of the white race to live free from overt discrimination and hate-mongering.... just to name a few. 

    • I agree!

    • None of these issues are big enough to not vote for Trump and to not support him 100%. Trump needs the support of each one of us no matter what. Thanks for your support!

    • I disagree. These are BIG points!

    • I am voting for Trump. That does not mean that I am not ciritical and weighing his former promises, which some of them have simply come to nought. You continue to think along single-minded lines, as if anyone weighing ALL the issues, doesn't have to consider all the successes plus the failures. You seem to be all one, not allowing any discussion about things left undone. .How would you ever be able to discuss with a demo but nice person, the pros and cons, if you can't see both sides?  Sometimes, by finding agreement in some one thing, you can lead a horse to water. I have been able to talk Bible to a married lesbian woman. Politics first can lead right to God. Open door. The tie-in is the Constitution and natural rights. I am not a scholar, but I know the spirit of our founding. And I use it to seed when I can. Just like I try to seed prayer and the spiritual aspect in here, like Joya does. 

      If I didn't support Trump, do you think I would have more than 20 Thank You's from Trump's White House? I write with suggestions/reminders and try to link a thing with the constitution and the desperate need to take on the courts and put them in their places. 

      Do you think I would have walked for Trump (and R's even though I have to hold my nose for them), as I did before? I walked 3 afternoons for R's who have done nothing that I see is constitutional.  I did Trump Training in SW Ohio and picked up Trump signs and gave them to friends, when I am not allowed to put up political signs due to the HOA in my neighborhood. I
      haven't walked yet this time, but apparently I am signed up to help at R headquarters, and I will do it. 

      I pray for Trump every single night, sometimes also during the day or when I get up. I really cannot pray without praying for him somewhere in my prayers. I pray for him to have a spine of steel, to have joy and purpose, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, for him to receive supernatural downloads. I pray a hedge of protection around him, Melania, Baron, the rest of the famliy, (even though at least two are globalists). I pray for Pence, his family and the righteous administration. (even though I asked him to dump Pence, as he is a robot and brought Fauci in to wreak the havoc on our rights that he did).  I pray hat his comings and goings are protected. HIs transportation, food, products (like toothpaste), rest, water, that everything is protected. That no fiery dart shall land anywhere near him or his, nor near Pence nor his. I pray for any righteous ones in the staff or administration. The rest (globalists), I give to God to deal with. He knows, I do not. I also pray that Trump could smell the stench of a globalist anywhere around him. True. You may think that REALLY weird, but, God gave us senses. We smell gas and get out. We smell fire and take alarm. We smell burning food and run to turn the stove off. There is purpose in our senses, more than we realize. 

      God hears our prayers. We are to pray for those in authority. If you would look for Dutch Sheets "Appeal to Heave" on YouTube, you would see a live, in action, powerful prayer movement underway for this country. And Trump is still the gate  Still. But the power is the church. We are higher than Trump if we unite.  

      But,..... I still want her LOCKED UP,  --0 -- LOCKED UP.    Brennan LOCKED UP and the rest of the fillthy traitors and rats.   For them, I pray also,. that they will eat their the sight of men, for all to see, even the unknowing, the decieved, the problem-makers. 

    • Exactly Jea9... could not have put it better.  Good leaders accept constructive criticism ... even that which cuts deeply... as they understand that there is great wisdom to be found in the counsel of many. 

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