
  • They both are in my prayers

  • Trump is the greatest president since Ronald Reagan.  I pray for him, and our nation, daily.  Almighty God, please heal them quickly and rescue the nation from the evil ones who want to give it over totally to satan!!!!!

  • This is Trumps opportunity to shake the dependency on experts and kill the lockdown based on the personal experience of his recovery as a senior.

    This is because, when he is "advised" he cannot rescind the federal advisories because he lacks the knowledge of when to act, he may say,"My experience with Covid as a man in his seventies authoritatively tells me this is correct.  Do it !". The ball is in his court.

    GO TRUMP !

    • I agree with you also, Michael.

    • But note that the very next day, news feeds like Yahoo News ran headlines intended to destabilize the medical authority of Trumps Osteopathic Doctor (who specializes in holistic solutions, not pharmaceuticals). Agitators mint their own crap currency of contraversy at the Alinsky mint of political poison. So my idea was anticipated with a countermeasure, if needed.

      Man I loathe that master of hypocrisy, dead or somewhat alive. "Rules for Radicals" is a straight white line of sophistry laced with strychnine.

    • Nothing to be surprised at by their constant derangement comments. When he recovers fully, he can testify to natural healing methods. It is great that they gave him oxygen and thank God they didn't shove a trach down him. I thank God for that. 

    • I agree with you, Michael. Trump will shake this off. He is a healthy man and it won't affect him all that much. He also gets the best health care possible. He will be proof positive that this is nothing more than a flu. And let's not forget that there are millions who have already fully recovered from it or have never shown any symptoms to begin with.

    • But note that the very next day, news feeds like Yahoo News ran headlines intended to destabilize the medical authority of Trumps Osteopathic Doctor (who specializes in holistic solutions, not pharmaceuticals). Agitators mint their own crap currency of contraversy at the Alinsky mint of political poison. So my idea was anticipated with a countermeasure, if needed.

      Man I loathe that master of hypocrisy, dead or somewhat alive. "Rules for Radicals" is a straight white line of sophistry laced with strychnine.

  • VOTE for President Trump save America save FREEDOM let us destroy socialism 

  • That, my friends, is our guy. A great American. He would never say anything like you left wing pigs do. I, on the other hand have no trouble at all calling out you worthless democratic bastards! 

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