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  • Early Draft?  The report ... not a draft was due 18 Dec.... if I told my Commander that I had a draft ready when the 'final report' was due I'd have been raked over the coals and probably shipped out to the Aleutian Islands for a little close order drill in the snow... Draft my rear... next, we will be told the report itself is inconclusive and will not be ready for a couple of months into the Biden Aminisstration, before it is totally dropped as unnecessary... what foreign influence, what fraud... everyone knows there was none. iin

  • Something has to happen. I KNOW Trump will not simply ignore all of this sedition.

    • I agree with you 100%

  • And what?  Are we willing to go all out against all the foreign governments especially China for their spying and interference?   I back Trump 100% and he must be allowed to win this election otherwise we are doomed.  In two years Biden and co-horts including aforementioned foreigners can destroy everything he has achieved!  Would martial law allow the immediate deportation of all suspected Chinese individuals?  

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