
  • Oh, I wonder when her last day will be....yawn yawn boring, but aren't they all (dems) boring...

  • red on the head like the dick on a dog

  • really, you hear about mad scientist, and mad legislators, those reading this know, but are not acting in the face to this "mad president" he lied about voting laws in  Georgia and practiced saying the word "sick" and has hired a sick liar as press secretary who makes pokes at reporters that asks her questions aboiut her lies and Bidens lies. Best, the law and sellers of soda and baseball, who I'm sure the majority of the people do not agree with. I automatically love my constitution more than a soda, talk about you like this law I'm going to take nothing you care about away. MLB baseball, with the cancel culture awaiting to attack the players if they speak out, the turn out for that games will reduce revenew. Delta, fine, the hubs are wanted by other airlines, take the hubs away since they are undermining other businesses at that airport. take thew hubs and let those who receive funding from the people, attacking voting laws and the people allow youi to exist. We really have to form the privare militia and beging the petitioning process and demand that our petitiones be heard,m after all, citizens areest laws have been strengthened in Georgia, meaning those on video and witnesses can be arrested for fixing the elections and put in jail where the belong, taking stealing your vote and capitailizing  on the media's lies (CNN-MSnBC) pretending their voices are a majority, but its a majority of media lies, not of the people.  Wew have to follow the militia law and suspend the official militia in the states where we the people have no vopice and that militia (our national guard in DC and the state Militia in South Carolina, like politicians who promise one thing and enter poitics to sell their votes for huge cash, which is over 90% of our United States Congressmen.  We have to start by exercising our 2ed amendment rights, the first part to form a well organized militia to secure a free state. we have elected persons directly invoved in voter fraud  and in this case treason. BUT, the cae law says we have to petition first and that Supreme Court in 1951 says this Cheif Justice broke the law and we "must" form and petition at our capitol reasons to (1) impeach 90% of the sitting democrats and some republicans. We have to stop thinking in terms of parties when we thing of what works best for all of us. The silent republicans have toi be priomaried out, their lack of action  is tantomount to acting with the treason and obstruction of justice we have all witnessed,  This esp, is many republicans to and are complicite in all the wrongs being done..... Hillsdale college found how they were paying off the republicans for not doing what we the people wanted, they created and added a bounus scheme withing the stimuilus as extra money, thats what was withing the sole Pelosi bill that wanted to allow Mexicans to be able to jump the fence and be registered to vote same day (and no ID and no residence) and vote and hop back over the fence. How did this happen, all politcians voted for teh bill that gave way to much money to California and of course 30 Billion was stoen, Really? now body is looking for it, what now, theis new one gived them another 40 billion, this is money to be stolen again. Of couse we can track the 30 Billion, but ask why we are sending over a Trillion dollars out of this country, and not asked for, politicians generating reasons to send it out and it is laundered in other counties banks and sent backl to themselves, the fixed election and this crazy stimulus is to get monet 90% of these crooked politcans think they were cheated out of when Trump was in office, media made up 90% of bad acts without any proof. THE FBI IS INVESTIGATING, TO INTEMIDATE, HILLSDALE COLLEGE FOR DISCLOSING THE SECRET OF FUNNELLING MONEY AS BONUES TO ALL OUR LEGISLATURES, WITHOUT REGARDS TO PARTY, AND INSTEAD OF 180K A YEAR SALERY, THEY ARE COLLECTING FROM 750K TO 1.25 MILLION TO THEMSELVES, THE FBI IS USING THEIR USU8AL CRIMINAL ACTS TO SHUT THIS TRUTH DOWN, NO LAW UNLES 100% READ ON c-SPAN SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO BE PRESENTED UNTIL WE ALL KNOW WHATS IN IT, THIS TIME IT WAS KEPT AND COUNCHED IN DISTANT LANGUAGE THAT NORMALLY WOULD NOT INDICATE WHAT THAT LANGUAGE IMPLIES, BUT THEY DO. aND THE FBI, LIKE THE 6 MILLION DOLLAR LOBSTER FUND FOR THE PENTAGON.  iTS TIME TO FORM TWO HUNDER PERSONS GROUPS AND CERTIFY WHO WE ARE AND BEGING THE PETITIONING AND OVERSIGHT AT EVERY VOTING STATION.

  • I didn't hear hear snapping at this reporter. What I did hear was her snarky put-down about his not paying attention. Yawn, yawn, yawn...not exactly a classic break of decorum. What is most disconcerting is her constant evasive non-answers to reporter's quiries. She talks, sounds come from her mouth, but she says nothing.

    • Absolutely and Perfectly Put..! They Woman Is As Worthless As The Idiot She Is Supposed To Be Representing..!!! Another Lunatic..!



    • IMHO it's the evil permeating out of their skin pores...satanic is always ugly

  • Remember, she is only supposed to get questions that make BIDEN look good just like they were only supposed to ask Trump questions that make him look bad. 

  • it's a crazy time we are living in.

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